Battle of Custoza (1848)

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Battle of Custoza
Part of the Italian Wars of Independence
Date July 24 and July 25, 1848
Location Custoza, near Verona
Result Austrian victory
Kingdom of Sardinia Austrian Empire
Charles Albert of Sardinia Joseph Radetzky von Radetz
22,000 33,000
Casualties and losses
unknown unknown

The Battle of Custoza (1848) was fought on 24 and 25 July 1848 during the first Italian War of Independence between the armies of the Austrian Empire, led by Field Marshal Radetzky, and of the Kingdom of Sardinia, led by King Carlo Alberto of Piedmont.


[edit] Background

In March 1848, the city-state of Milan launched an uprising against Austrian occupation. King Carlo Alberto of Piedmont supported the Milanese revolt and declared war on Austria. Venice also declared its independence from Austria. The Austrian Field Marshal Radetzky withdrew his forces from Milan to the defensive positions bsed on the four forts known as the "Quadrilateral": Verona, Mantua, Peschiera, and Legano. The Piedmontese succeeded in taking Peschiera after a short siege, bu Radetzky received substatial reinforcements.

[edit] The Battle

In July, Alberto led an army across the Mincio River and decided to occupy the hill-top town of Custoza. Radetzky responded with a decisive conterattack. In a two-day battle, he inflicted a painful defeat on the Piedmontese, with the Austrians taking Custoza after a furious hand-to-hand struggle. Both sides suffered major casulaties, each army having lost more than half of its troops during the fight.

[edit] The Aftermath

Radetzky's victory drove the Piedmontese out of Lombardy and forced them to sign a peace treaty with the Austrians. When the war resumed in March 1848, Radetzky was again victorious at Novara, resultig in King Carlo Alberto's abdication in favor of his son, Vittorio Emanuele. By August, Radetzky restored the Austrian authority throughout its Italian provinces.

[edit] References

Encyclopedia Britannia: Battle of Custoza

Coordinates: 45°22′44″N, 10°47′45″E