Battle of Breadfield

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Battle of Breadfield
Part of the Hungarian-Turkish Wars

Date October 13, 1479
Location The Breadfield (Kenyérmező), in Zsibód (Şibot), near the River Mureş, Transylvania
Result Decisive Hungarian victory
Kingdom of Hungary with the Transylvanian Saxons, Szeklers, Serbs and Romanians in Transylvania Ottoman Empire
Pál Kinizsi
Stephen V Báthory
Vuk Branković
Basarab Laiotă cel Bătrân
Ali Kodsha bey
Basarab Ţepeluş cel Tânăr
15,000 hungarian, serbian, saxon, szekler and transylvanian wallachian soldier 15-20,000 akıncı and asab, some janissary
2000 wallachian infantry
Casualties and losses
3,000 killed Few thousand turkish killed
1,000 wallachian

The Battle of Breadfield (Hungarian: Kenyérmezei csata, Romanian: Bătălia de la Câmpul Pâinii) was one of the battles in the Hungarian-Turkish Wars in October 13, 1479, in Transylvania, in the Breadfield (Zsibód (Şibot), near the Mureş River), between the Transylvanian army, led by Pál Kinizsi, István Báthory, Vuk Branković, and Basarab Laiotă cel Bătrân, and an the Turks marauding army under the command of Ali Kodsha bey that to give a knee Basarab Ţepeluş cel Tânăr wallachian prince.
The result of the battle was a Hungarian victory.


[edit] Eve of the battle

The Turks maraudings between 1474 and 1475 was several times burgle in Transylvania and in the Voivodina. With the attacks numerous village and landscape was to empty.
In spring 1479, under Szendrő a major Turkish army was to convene, above all akıncıs. When King Matthias this to ascertain, mobilize to Stephen Báthory transylvanian voivod and Pál Kinizsi voivodian captain.
the Turkish army in October 9 burgle was in Transylvania, near Kelnek (Câlnic) led by Ali Kodsha bey. The akıncıs few village, homestead and Market town make to, scores Hungarian, wallachian and Saxon people captive.
In October 13 Kodsha bey was encamp to in the Breadfield (Kenyérmező), near Zsibót (Şibot). Kodsha bey was force to sy into doing the campaign Basarab cel Tânăr wallachian prince, who however by 1000-2000 infantry to join.
The Turks knock up with the robberys and the many prisoners. Báthory and Kinizsi make to the best possibility and now set to forth against the Turks.

[edit] The Hungarian and the Ottoman army

According to the old resources the Turkish army numbered 60 thousand valiant, till then the Hungarian 30 thousand, however this is excess. Jan Długosz estimated the Ottoman forces 100,000 men-at-arms, until King Matthias write 43-45,000 Ottoman and Wallachian soldier in his letters.
Actually the Ottoman forces numbered 15-20 thousand valiant, together with 1000-2000 wallachian. The ottomans was nearly entirely akıncıs and azaps, with some janissary. There was no artillery. This is was not high campaign, but altogether a great raid war.

Kinizsi's army consistent of Hungarian, Szekler, Serbian, Transylvanian Saxon and Transylvanian Wallachian forces. The latters commanded by Basarab cel Bătrân, quondam ruler of Wallachia, mortal enemy of cel Tânăr. Accordingly cel Tânăr was like to be even with sy cel Bătrân, with that tenable one throne. The complete army it must have been 15,000 men.

[edit] The battle

The Hungarian and also the Ottoman army was to be composed of three column. In the right flank was erect to Kinizsi, in left the Serbian light cavalry under Vuk Branković and Demeter Jakšić, beside the Saxons and in the centrum Báthory's forces.
Kodsha bey was to seat oneself in the left flank, while in the centrum Isa bey and the right flank Malkoch Oglu.

The Breadfield in 1870.
The Breadfield in 1870.

In afternoon betook the battle. Báthory fall over by his horse and the Ottomans was all but to catch, but then a valiant Antal Nagy bring off the voivod.
Awhile the Ottomans there was in ascendancy, then Kinizsi go over the top with the Hungarian heavy cavalrys and 900 Serbs under a Jakšić assisted by "numerous courtiers of the king", charged against the Turks. Ali bej was to be appalled and cut and run. Kinizsi laterally the centrum and before long Isa bey also was to beat a retreat. The few Turks who survived the massacre fled into the mountains, where the majority were killed by the local population.

[edit] Aftermath

The Turkish casualties were high, with more than few thousand men killed. Was to be killed in the battlefield Oglu Malkoch and Isa bey, togheter with two bey, one oglu and thousand wallachian ally.
Hungarian forces lost approsimately 3,000 men in the battle. Few prisoner was to get free and immense was the booty.

In 1480 Kinizsi was to burgle in Serbia and several times to beat down Ali Kodsha bey. The Breadfield was a great psychologic victory, henceforth the Ottoman-Turks was for long time not attacked South-Hungary and Transylvania.

[edit] Literature

[edit] External links
