Battle of Baqubah

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Battle of Baqubah
Part of the Post-invasion Iraq (Diyala province campaign)

Soldiers have a short meeting at an airfield in Baqubah before an air assault into an outlying village of the city, June 18, 2007.
Date March, 2007 - August 19, 2007
Location Baqubah, Iraq
Result City largely secured by Coalition forces
Flag of the United States United States
New Iraqi Army
Al-Qaeda in Iraq
COL Townsend, LTC Antonia, LTC Smiley, LTC Goins Unknown
Approximately 10,000 Unknown
Casualties and losses
18 killed, 12 wounded (U.S.);
7 killed, 15 wounded (Iraqi Army);[1][2][3]
2 killed (U.S.-allied Iraqi militia)
3 killed (Iraqi police)
227+ killed, some 100 detained[4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17]
A team leader with Operation Arrowhead Ripper pulls security as an Iraqi man speaks to an interpreter, June 19, in a village in the outskirts of Baqubah, June 19, 2007.
A team leader with Operation Arrowhead Ripper pulls security as an Iraqi man speaks to an interpreter, June 19, in a village in the outskirts of Baqubah, June 19, 2007.

The Battle of Baqubah (March 2007-August 2007) took place during the Iraq War in the capital of the Iraqi province Diyala, to the north-east of Baghdad. It began in early March 2007, when US and Iraqi forces commenced preliminary operations to "establish a presence in Diyala beyond their Forward Operating Base"[18].

In June 2007 as part of a larger country-wide offensive, Operation Arrowhead Ripper was launched to gain control of Baqubah and its surrounding areas from the insurgents.[19] Baqubah was largely pacified as a result of this operation although insurgent presence still remained in the capital and throughout the province.

In August 2007, Operation Phantom Strike was launched throughout northern Iraq in order to capitalize on the gains made during Operation Phantom Thunder. As part of this offensive, Operation Lightning Hammer was launched to the northeast of Baqubah.[20]


[edit] Background

As a result of the Baghdad Security Plan, in early 2007 al Qaida in Iraq forces withdrew from Baghdad and began operating in Diyala province, making Baqubah the capital of "The Islamic State of Iraq". The insurgents fortified the province with fighting positions, IEDs and booby-trapped houses, as well as establishing supply bases and training camps.

[edit] Military Units Involved

[edit] Coalition

The operation was led by the 3rd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division, which sent the 5th Battalion, 20th Infantry, and 1st Battalion, 23rd Infantry into the city itself. Supporting the main effort were the 4th Battalion, 9th Infantry, from the 4th Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division; the 5th Squadron, 73rd Cavalry, from the 3rd BCT, 82nd Airborne Division; the 1st Battalion, 12th Cavalry, from the 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division; and attack helicopters from the 25th Combat Aviation Brigade. And elements of the 2nd Battalion, 35th Infantry Regiment "Cacti".

[edit] Islamic State of Iraq

Details of insurgent forces are unknown. As the Islamic State of Iraq considers the town of Baqubah its "capital", presumably most fighters opposing the MNF troops belong to the Khalf al-Mutayibeen - the alliance of Islamist Sunni groups behind the ISI.

[edit] Timeline

[edit] Battle for Baqubah Begins

The Battle for Baqubah began in early March of 2007, when the 5th Battalion 20th Infantry regiment, under the command of LTC Bruce Antonia, was moved up from Baghdad to battle Al-Qaida in Iraq forces in their self declared capital. Beginning in early March the Sykes Regular's Battalion (5-20 INF) systematically cleared the city of Baqubah in house to house fighting which was some of the most intense urban combat seen in Iraq since the Battle for Fallujah in 2004. Day one of the offensive was marked by the catastrophic destruction of a Stryker Armored vehicle and one American KIA in Mufrik neighborhood.

The Islamic Insurgents were dug in and prepared to fight. Unintimidated by the the new American presence, they displayed their will to fight and punctuated the Regulars' arrival with a seemingly endless day of IED attacks and ambushes. The Regulars' offensive began by capturing the neighborhood of Buriz which was under the control of a Sunni insurgent group known as the 1920s Revolutionary Brigade. The American offensive was immediately bogged down by the discovery of over thirty IEDs in a two kilometer stretch of road. After clearing the structural area of the neighborhood, the Regulars, along with aviation support, had inflicted enemy casualties estimated in the 40's-50's, While themselves suffering minimal losses. The 5-20th Bn began clearing the palm grove area surrounding Buriz. What followed was close quarters jungle warfare more reminiscent of Vietnam than Iraq. The insurgent forces used a hit and run strategy , employing snipers, IEDs, prepositioned ambush sites, and escape routes. After a week long struggle the area was under the control of American forces.

The heavily fortified, and well defended Al-Qaida controlled neighborhoods of Tahrir and New Baqubah were the next to be taken by American forces. The offensive's forward progression was again slowed by the use of deep buried IEDs, one such attack killing six American soldiers. The house to house fighting seen in eastern Baqubah during this offensive was the fiercest fighting in Iraq at the time. Al-Qaida in Iraq was pitching a last effort to retain control of their capitol. While clearing of eastern Baqubah was being completed the 5th Battalion 20th Infantry was able to successfully isolate and contain the western half of the city. In early June they called for the assistance of the Brigade command and their sister Battalion the 1-23rd Tomahawks in clearing western Baqubah.

[edit] Operation Arrowhead Ripper

In June 2007 US and Iraqi forces launched a major offensive operation throughout Iraq designed to secure the Baghdad Belts. As part of this offensive, Multinational Division North launched Operation Arrowhead Ripper in Diyala province. The 3rd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division, launched the offensive with a quick-strike nighttime air assault early on June 18, 2007. By daylight, attack helicopters and ground forces had engaged and killed an estimated 22+ insurgents in and around Baqubah.[21] In all 30 insurgents and one U.S. soldier were killed by the end of the first day of the operation, according to military sources.

“The end state is to destroy the al-Qaeda influences in this province and eliminate their threat against the people,” said Brig. Gen. Mick Bednarek, deputy commanding general, operations, 25th Infantry Division. “That is the number one, bottom-line up-front, in-your-face, task and purpose.”[22] Approximately 10,000 soldiers, with a full complement of attack helicopters, close air support, Stryker and Bradley Fighting Vehicles, are taking part in Arrowhead Ripper. Elements of the 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division, from Fort Hood, Texas, the 4th Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division, from Fort Lewis, and the 25th Combat Aviation Brigade, from Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, are also participating in the operation.

“One of the keys as we initiate combat actions and operations here is the newly formed Diyala Operations Center,” Bednarek said. “It serves as an integration center that will coordinate all activities in Diyala – the police, the army and Coalition Forces from Task Force Lightning.”[23]

“The key significance, though, is getting the Iraqi ministries engaged to provide fundamental goods and services, such as food, fuel, displaced persons support, and education,” Bednarek continued. “The governor will have oversight and the people will start to see improved basic services which will build the trust and confidence of the people not only in the provincial government, but in the central government as well.”[24]

On June 23 two suspected senior Tanzim Qaidat al-Jihad fi Bilad al-Rafidayn leaders were captured and detained to Baghdad; no further information on their identity has been forthcoming. It is feared that most high-profile suspects have fled the area before the operation began.

As of June 26, significant fighting continued. Insurgent casualties were given as 55 on June 23.[4] Until June 27, an estimated 5 more militants, possibly more, were reported killed by Coalition sources.[6]

By June 28, fighting in at least parts of the town had ceased. US and allied troops were documented moving about in daylight and relaxed poses.[25] On July 1, three Iraqi soldiers were killed and 3 others wounded during a raid on a town house,[26] but although there is some violence such as murders,[27] this generally seems civil rather than (para) military in nature and as of July 4, there was little indication that the situation in Baqubah is different from other places in Iraq with significant MNF presence.

On the other hand, the town of Al Khalis, approx. 15 km away, seems to have become a major restaging point for insurgents retreating form Baqubah,[5][7][27] despite the nearby presence of significant US forces at FOB Grizzly and People's Mujahedin of Iran personnel at "Ashraf City".

On July 3, MNF troops killed 25 and detained five suspected terrorists and uncovered 10 weapons caches during an 3-day operation at Mukhisa, NE of Baqubah, in support of Operation Arrowhead Ripper.[9]

However, fighting flared up again some days later, with numerous reports of casualties later that week.

Due to a continuing media blackout, little is known about what is taking place in Diyala, especially in the areas of Muallimin, Mafraq, and Gatoun. Residents report that the shelling is intense,[28] and the Iraqi Islamic Party (ISP) has accused the Multi-National Forces operating in the area of committing a new massacre in Baqubah. "The operations led by the US forces in western Baqubah led to the death of more than 350 people, most of whom are still under the rubble," the ISP said in a statement.[29] The US army admits that nearly 80 per cent of Al-Qaeda leaders fled the area during the initial stages of the operation.[30]

On August 14, the overall operation Phantom Thunder ended and operation Arrowhead Ripper ended August 19. Baqubah was largely secured by Coalition forces, but still some insurgent presence remained in the city and surrounding areas, but not in such large numbers as it was before the attack on the city.

[edit] Operation Lightning Hammer

Lightning Hammer I was launched on August 13, 2007 as a follow-on to Operation Arrowhead Ripper and was subordinate to Operation Phantom Strike. The aim of the operation was to clear insurgent elements from the Diyala river valley and involved around 16,000 US and Iraqi forces. During the operation, 50 villages in the Diyala province were cleared, 26 members of AQI were killed and 37 suspected insurgents were detained. On September 1, the operation ended. Lightning Hammer II was launched in early September.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^
  2. ^
  3. ^ McClatchy Washington Bureau | 07/11/2007 | Round-up of daily violence, Wednesday 11 July 2007
  4. ^ a b "U.S. and Iraq forces kill 90 al Qaeda in offensive". Reuters, 2007-JUN-23. Retrieved 2007-JUN-27.
  5. ^ a b "Qaeda fiercely resisting US-Iraqi offensive". Al Sumaria, 2007-JUN-23. Retrieved 2007-JUL-04.
  6. ^ a b "Troops in Baqouba deliver food to locals". Multi-National Corps – Iraq Public Affairs Office, Camp Victory,APO AE 09342, 2007-JUN-27. Retrieved 2007-JUN-27.
  7. ^ a b "Iraq Security Developments - Friday". IraqSlogger, 2007-JUN-29. Retrieved 2007-JUL-04.
  8. ^ "Iraq Security Developments - Saturday". IraqSlogger, 2007-JUN-30. Retrieved 2007-JUL-04.
  9. ^ a b "Coalition Forces kill 25, detain 5 and uncover caches in Diyala". Multi-National Force – Iraq Press Desk, Baghdad, A070704a, 2007-JUL-04. Retrieved 2007-JUL-04.
  10. ^ Multi-National Force - Iraq - ‘Arrowhead Ripper’ continues to deny terrorists resources
  11. ^ Multi-National Force - Iraq - ‘Arrowhead Ripper’ continues to deny terrorists resources
  12. ^ Multi-National Force - Iraq - Coalition Forces Kill Four Suspected Secret Cell Terrorists, Detain Eighteen
  13. ^ Tuesday: 3 GIs, 1 Briton, 63 Iraqis Killed; 50 Iraqis Wounded -
  14. ^ Friday: 81 Iraqis Killed, 89 Wounded -
  15. ^ Saturday: 1 GI, 81 Iraqis Killed; 34 Iraqis Wounded -
  16. ^ Tuesday: 572 Iraqis Killed, 6 GIs; 1562 Iraqis Wounded -
  17. ^ Sunday: 125 Iraqis Killed, 78 Wounded -
  18. ^ Securing Diyala | Institute for the Study of War
  19. ^ "Task Force Lightning strikes al-Qaeda" Multi-National Corps – Iraq, Public Affairs Office, 19 June 2007
  20. ^ Securing Diyala | Institute for the Study of War
  21. ^ Sends 10,000 Troops Into Diyala to Take on Al Qaeda in Iraq. Fox News, 2007-JUN-19. Retrieved 2007-JUN-27.
  22. ^ "US launches major Iraq offensive". BBC, 2007-JUN-19
  23. ^ "Start of ‘Arrowhead Ripper’ Highlights Iraq Operations" American Forces Press Service 19 June 2007
  24. ^ "Task Force Lightning strikes al-Qaeda". Multi-National Corps – Iraq Public Affairs Office, Camp Victory, APO AE 09342, 2007-JUN-19.
  25. ^ "Photo of the Day: US and Iraqi Troops on the Streets of Baquba". IraqSlogger, 2007-JUN-29. Retrieved 2007-JUN-29.
  26. ^ "Iraq Security Developments - Sunday". IraqSlogger, 2007-JUL-01. Retrieved 2007-JUL-04.
  27. ^ a b "Iraq Security Developments - Monday". IraqSlogger, 2007-JUL-02. Retrieved 2007-JUL-04.
  28. ^ "More death and political intrigue" Nermeen Al-Mufti, Al-Ahram Weekly, 5 - 11 July 2007
  29. ^ Ibid.
  30. ^ Ibid.