Batallón de Inteligencia 601

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August 7, 1979 US embassy in Argentina Memorandum of the conversation with "Jorge Contreras," director of Task Force 7 of the "Reunion Central" section of the 601 Army Intelligence Unit, which gathered members from all parts of the Argentine Armed Forces . Subject: "Nuts and Bolts of the Government's Repression of Terrorism-Subversion. Original document on the National Security Archives' website. According to the National Security Archive, the junta led by Jorge Rafael Videla believed it had United States' approval for its all-out assault on the left in the name of "national security doctrine". The U.S. Embassy in Buenos Aires complained to Washington that the Argentine officers were "euphoric" over signals from high-ranking U.S. officials, including Secretary of State Henry Kissinger .
August 7, 1979 US embassy in Argentina Memorandum of the conversation with "Jorge Contreras," director of Task Force 7 of the "Reunion Central" section of the 601 Army Intelligence Unit, which gathered members from all parts of the Argentine Armed Forces . Subject: "Nuts and Bolts of the Government's Repression of Terrorism-Subversion. Original document on the National Security Archives' website. According to the National Security Archive, the junta led by Jorge Rafael Videla believed it had United States' approval for its all-out assault on the left in the name of "national security doctrine". The U.S. Embassy in Buenos Aires complained to Washington that the Argentine officers were "euphoric" over signals from high-ranking U.S. officials, including Secretary of State Henry Kissinger [1].

The Batallón de Inteligencia 601 (601st Intelligence Battalion) was a special military intelligence service of the Argentine Army active in the Dirty War and Operation Condor. It was under the orders of Guillermo Suárez Mason and ultimately reported to junta leader Leopoldo Galtieri [2]. The unit participated to Luis García Meza Tejada's Cocaine Coup in Bolivia in 1980 and trained Contra units in Lepaterique base (Honduras) in the 1980s.

In June 1980, Peru was known to have collaborated with members of the group in the kidnapping, torture and disappearance of a group of Montoneros living in exile in Lima.

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