Batéké Plateau

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The Batéké plateaux are located around the south-east border between the Republic of Congo and Gabon. In the latter, there are found in the Haut-Ogooué Province, while the Plateaux Province name of Congo is taken after them. They reach between 550 and 830 metres, and are rich in manganese.

Several rivers rises in that area, including the Niari River, which flows in Congo, the Ogooue, Mpassa, Ndjoumou, Lekabi and Lekey Rivers which flow in Gabon.

[edit] Trivia

  • The Bateke Plateau is an ancient volcanic area.

[edit] References

  • Perusset André. 1983. Oro-Hydrographie(Le Relief) in Geographie et Cartographie du Gabon, Atlas Illustré led by The Ministère de l'Education Nationale de la Republique Gabonaise. Pg 10-13. Paris, France: Edicef.