Basilica of Saint Clare

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Basilica of Saint Clare, Assisi.
Basilica of Saint Clare, Assisi.

The Basilica of Saint Clare (Basilica di Santa Chiara in Italian), located in Assisi, Italy, is the 13th century church that is dedicate to and contains the remains of Saint Clare of Assisi, a follower of Saint Francis of Assisi and founder of the Order of Poor Ladies, known today as the Order of Saint Clare. Construction of the church begun under the direction of Filippo Campello, one of the foremost architects of the time. On 3 October 1260, Clare's remains were transferred from the chapel of San Giorgio to the Basilica of Saint Clare where they were buried in the earth under the high altar of the new church.

After having remained hidden for six centuries--like the remains of St. Francis--and after much search had been made, Clare's tomb was found in 1850, to the great joy of the Assisians. On 23 September in that year the coffin was unearthed and opened, the flesh and clothing of the saint had been reduced to dust, but the skeleton was in a perfect state of preservation. Finally, on the 29th of September, 1872, the saint's bones were transferred, with much pomp, by Archbishop Pecci, afterwards Pope Leo XIII, to the shrine, in the crypt of the Basilica of Saint Clare, erected to receive them, and where they may now be seen. The feast of St. Clare is celebrated throughout the Church on 11 August. The feast of her first translation is kept in the order on 3 October, and that of the finding of her body on 23 September.

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This article incorporates text from the public-domain Catholic Encyclopedia of 1913.