Bartonville, Missouri

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Bartonville, MO, became the second county seat of Gasconade County in 1825. It's location in Township 43, Range 7 West on the Gasconade River was not specifically located until 1998 when a researcher found a notice of sheriff's sale which included a legal description that placed the "Bartonville tract" adjacent to sale property. Bartonville, an ancient and lost city was situated in what is now Osage County, across the river from Cooper Hill. It remained the county seat until 1828, when like its predecessor, Gasconade City, the Gasconade covered the county seat with floodwater. The seat of justice made its second move, this time to Mt. Sterling in 1828, high above the floodplain of the Gasconade River. The Encyclopedia of the History of Missouri, 1901, Conard, Vol. 3, Page 5, erroriously lists Bartonville as the first county seat of Gasconade County, however; Gasconade City holds that distinction and mistakenly lists Mt. Sterling as a name changed from Bartonville, when in fact both of these towns are at separate and distinct locations. For more information about Gasconade County, Mt. Sterling and Bartonville, contact Goodspeed's History of Franklin, Jefferson, Washington, Crawford and Gasconade Counties, MO, page 617-706 or the Gasconade County Historical Society Archives in Hermann, MO.