Barry Island Pleasure Park

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Barry Island Pleasure Park is an amusement park situated on the coast at Barry Island in the Vale of Glamorgan, about 10 miles south of the capital city Cardiff, Wales.

Barry Island contains a wide assortment of shops, bars and restaurants. The Pleasure Park was once famous for its Scenic Railway which dominated half of the site in the mid 1900s, but was partially destroyed in a strong gale during 1973 before being dismantled. Many of the scenic railway's beams were used in the building of the current Log flume ride,[1] which remains one of the parks most popular attractions.

The pleasure park has over thirty rides and attractions, including the Log Flume, Viper Rollercoaster, Sea Ray Pirate Ship, Dodgems and many others. Park entrance is free of charge, and ride tickets are available from the park ticket boxes.

Several Amusement arcades are located within the pleasure park, and on the surrounding streets.

Barry Island Pleasure Park is now part owned by Ian Rogers, who used to run Welsh discount chain Hypervalue before it ran into financial difficulties in recent years. In 2006, a company called Hilco who specialise in dealing with failing retail businesses assumed control of the ailing Hypervalue group and commenced disposing of various Hypervalue stores and settling accounts with the many creditors. Mr Rogers now owns part of the reorganised group, renamed Hypa Xtra.[2]


[edit] History of Barry Island Pleasure Park

[edit] Access to the Island

The only access to the Barry Island before 1896 had been either by foot across the sands and mud at low tide or by Yellow Funnel Line paddle steamer when the tide was in. As a further incentive for visitors to come to Barry, an extension to the railway line, through a boxed in tunnel on a 250 yard long pier structure, was built from the mainland to a new station next to the main Barry Pierhead. This enabled visitors to board the paddle steamers that plied in the Channel to Bristol, Cleveland and Weston-super-Mare. Once the rail link was completed the visitor numbers to the island exploded and one Bank Holiday weekend, over 150,000 visitors were recorded arriving on the island, and most of those came by train. Trains were arriving every ten minutes and by 5 p.m. were leaving at the same rate. The station opened in time for the August Bank Holiday week in 1896 giving the impetus for the development of further attractions on the island.

A measure of the growth in trade on the island is that in 1934 during the seven days of the August Bank Holiday week the official estimate of the number of visitors to the fairground was in excess of 400,000. It was recorded that 1,200 coaches and char-a-bancs, 8,000 motor cars, 3,000 motor cycles and over 10,000 bicycles had paid for parking or garaging during the week. In addition rail and public bus services had brought tens of thousands more to the Island. The 1938 Bank Holiday Monday saw a record crowd of well over 250,000 arrive or try to arrive at the island in a single day. Cars, buses and motor cyclists had to be diverted by harassed police to carparks at the Knap, Porthkerry Park, and even as far away as Sully and Rhoose when it was found that it was impossible to cram any more vehicles on the Island. By six pm the homeward trek began with a continuous slow moving line of cars and buses stretching all the way from Barry to the roundabout at Culverhouse Cross in Cardiff. A resident in Colcot Road reported that she had been kept awake by the continuous rumble of traffic passing her house till well after three am on the Tuesday morning.

[edit] Early rides

Until 1897, there was no established fairground on the island apart from a few carousels, a set of swing-boats, hand made by Sydney White of Cardiff and a playground slide set up on the main beach for each summer season. In that year the first major ride attraction was built. A Switchback Railway had been designed and built by the famous American coaster engineer LaMarcus Thompson specially for the Cardiff Empire Exhibition at Sophia Gardens in 1896, dismantled following the year-long exhibition and put up for sale. It was bought by the White family and installed at the western end of the beach edge on the present day site of The Olde Pavilion Café (named after the Pavilion Theatre, which had been situated amongst the sand-dunes), Barry Athletic Club's car park now stands where the Switchback ride ended.

With no competition the Switchback was a very popular and crowded attraction with Victorian holidaymakers and day trippers from the South Wales Valleys for fifteen years until a much larger Figure 8 roller coaster, also built by LaMarcus Thompson, opened on the edge of the beach level with the present pleasure park site in the spring of 1912. The Switchback’s trade declined, in competition with the more exciting Figure Eight and it only operated for another two years, finally closing in 1914 just as the Great War in Europe started and the number of holiday visitors dropped off dramatically. A military hospital was established on the island, near the fairground and thousands of injured soldiers recuperated on the beaches and sand-dunes.

When in 1923 Barry Town Council replaced the previous rough tarmac shoreline roadway with a new brick and concrete Promenade, together with a more substantial road connection with the mainland constructed along a raised causeway, the fairground was relocated from the beach onto its current permanent site where the sand dunes were labouriously levelled and the site enclosed inside an iron railing fence. The White Bros, (sons of Sydney White who died in 1938 at the age of 78) who held the beach concession, bid for and became the first tenants of the newly formed Barry Island Pleasure Park on land rented from the Whitmore Bay Pavilion Syndicate. The White brothers remained in control there until the close of the 1929 season. That year the White Brothers had cheekily outbid Pat Collins, legendary showman from the famous Collins fairground dynasty, for his lease on a highly profitable and major pleasure park at Evesham in the west midlands, that served day trippers from metropolitan Birmingham and Wolverhampton.

When the brothers returned from a period of touring with their mobile fair rides and tried to renew their own Barry Island lease, the following year in 1930, they were stunned to discover that a furious Pat Collins had eked his retribution by outbidding them in turn on their home territory. To make it perfectly clear why he had taken this step Collins, tongue in cheek, renamed the Barry Island Park as 'The New Evesham Pleasure Park', a name it carried until 1950. The dejected White Bros moved their operations across the road to a new and much smaller site, which they named ‘White’s Cosy Corner’ and eventually established as a restaurant, an amusement arcade and a dodgem cars rink. Cosy Corner was destroyed by arson in 1999 and the shell demolished, but after several planning applications the site is currently being rebuilt and will reopen again soon.

[edit] Scenic Railway

In 1938, Pat Collins secured the contract to provide the major rides at Billy Butlin's fairground to be attached to the Glasgow Empire Exhibition. His younger brother John designed a Scenic Railway as a direct copy of the Great Yarmouth Scenic Railway also installed for Pat in 1932 (as a rebuild of the Erich Heidrich designed 1929 - 1931 Paris Colonial Exposition Scenic Railway), but with slightly larger dimensions and at an enormous cost of £150,000 (£4,000,000 in today's terms). When the exhibition closed the ride was dismantled and shipped to Liège in Belgium where it was due to form the centerpiece of the planned International Water Exhibition. The ride was nearing completion in late 1939 when Nazi Germany undertook the surprise invasion of Poland and World War II broke out. Construction was immediately ceased and the ride dismantled again before being rushed back to the UK and rebuilt instead at Barry Island, on a site originally occupied by St. Peirio's Monastery (Barry Island was once known as Ynys Peirio).

With a track of just over a mile long and an initial climb and drop of seventy two feet it was the biggest wood built roller coaster ever erected in the UK. It was also one of the last such railway to be built in this country. Arriving on the island in the late autumn of 1939 the ride was built over the winter and was ready to be opened by Easter 1940. Along with the other traditional scenic railways the ride’s wooden framework was covered in rippled thick plaster and painted to resemble a rocky mountain landscape. The original colour scheme featured turquoise and purple rocks with white tips at the highest points to represent snow. In later years the ride was painted in various shades of brown and green before returning to its original turquoise. The massive ride only just fitted into the available space and ran almost the full length of the park, although the top entrance (giving access to the island’s railway station) had to be moved by several yards.

The Scenic Railway towered over Barry Island for the next thirty three years and remained a popular attraction throughout its operating life. The structure was partially dismantled, serviced and rebuilt in 1963 but unfortunately the ride had to be demolished in 1973 after being badly damaged in a severe winter gale and deemed uneconomical to repair. It was also becoming outdated and unable to compete with the newer and more modern high speed 'white knuckle' enclosed-steel-runner 360o looping thrill rides that were starting to be introduced.

Now located on the site where the Scenic Railway once stood is the present and much smaller Log Flume ride built during 1980. Wooden beams from the Scenic Railway were salvaged, stored and reused in the construction of the Flume and other beams formed the basis of the Wacky Goldmine (now renamed the Haunted Mine).

The scenic railway still in existence at Great Yarmouth Pleasure Beach is identical to the demolished Barry Island ride, only slightly smaller in its dimensions and incorrectly called a "rollercoaster". The only other surviving 1930s scenic railway in the UK is located in Dreamland Margate (despite being a Grade 2 Listed Building the ride was mothballed and had been under imminent threat of demolition, since the 'Dreamland' park went into receivership in 2002. However in April 2008 the coaster was partially destroyed in an arson attack and will not be rebuilt until 2009 or 2010. [3]

[edit] Changes at the Pleasure Park

In 1950, an ailing and increasingly ill Pat Collins had handed over control of the park to his younger brother, John, who took over and ran the fairground until 1966, when it was passed on to John's two young sons, also named in the family tradition John and Pat. That year also, the new Butlins holiday camp opened and provided the park with more regular customers than it had ever had before. With the increased income generated by Butlins campers the Collins brothers managed to purchase the freehold rights to the Pleasure Park in 1969.

Apart from the years immediately after the park opened, the busiest and most profitable period were the ten years spanning the opening of Butlins in 1966 and the mid 1970s when foreign package holidays started to grow to the current level of popularity. Apart from the Scenic Railway, the Waltzer, several carousels and most of the side stalls that were owned and operated by the Collins brothers the majority of the other major rides in the park were operated by another fairground dynasty family (since the mid 1800s), the Summers. George Summers was a major employer between the late 1950s and his death in the early 1970s when control of the firm was handed to George’s sons Robert and George Jr. Other rides were operated by John Corrigan from the historical showground family.

The Summers family ran the Big Wheel, Dive Bomber, Moon Rocket, Revolving Jets and Tipping Paratrooper rides along with the Mirror Maze, two One Arm Bandit Arcades and several "Prize every time" booths.

For various commercial reasons during the 1990s, including the closure of the Butlins camp and a noticeable downturn in trade, the Collins family agreed to sell the Park’s freehold and it was snapped up by an eager Ken Rogers, the millionaire owner of the Hypervalue Group, a highly successful chain of twelve "£1 an item" budget stores all over South Wales. Rogers had been attempting to buy the pleasure park for several years, mainly because his Hypervalue brand had been born twenty five years earlier in the form of a tiny market stall on a rental site near the main entrance to the Barry Pleasure Park.

[edit] The Pleasure Park today

After finally securing ownership of the park Ken Rogers made sweeping changes and improvements, including the demolition and construction of the major rides. Sadly, in 2000 just as the park's fortunes been turned round, Rogers died suddenly and ownership passed to his son Ian. Following a recent restructure of the business, Hypervalue is now trading as Hyper Xtra and is currently owned 50/50 between Ian Rogers and Hilco UK, including the pleasure park.

Investment in Barry Island Pleasure Park continues in consultation with the local authority.

Pat Collins, the son of John Collins still maintains a presence on the Island and currently holds the lease for The Square on the Promenade where he has established four rides on the site, including a helter-skelter, children's go-karts, a trampoline and a flight simulator module.

[edit] List of rides

  • Evolution
    The top of the Evolution ride, seen from a distance.
    The top of the Evolution ride, seen from a distance.
  • Log Flume
  • Viper Roller Coaster
  • Sea Ray Pirate Ship
  • Dodgems (there are currently two dodgem tracks in the pleasure park, with only one operating)
  • Waltzer
  • Jungle Ride
  • Haunted Mine
  • Tiny Tots Corner
  • Junior twister
  • Cups 'n' saucers
  • Barry Island Fun Railway

[edit] List of other attractions

  • Hook A Duck
    A key ring won as a prize at a Barry Island Pleasure Park Amusement Arcade.
    A key ring won as a prize at a Barry Island Pleasure Park Amusement Arcade.
  • Just Pennies Amusement Arcade
  • Just Pounds
  • Lucky Penny Amusement Arcade
  • King Bite
  • The Big Chippy
  • KR's Cabaret Bar
  • Dolphin Bar

[edit] Recent ride removals

During winter 2006 the pleasure park removed several rides, including:

  • Twister
  • Rhythm Dancer
  • Horse Carousel
  • Vortex Round Up
  • Magic Carpet
  • Sizzler
  • Mini Transport Ride

as well as many children's rides.

During the winter of 2007, the Superstar ride was removed and is reported to have been purchased by showman John Wall.

There are no plans to remove any further rides in preparation for the 2008 season. However, many of the Park's rides including the Evolution, Waltzer, Viper, Sting and some children's rides were listed on the website "" in January of this year.

There are several travelling type rides currently in the Park, including a Twister, almost identical to the one removed before the start of the 2007 season (which was replaced for thiat season by a much older version of the same ride, which has since been removed),

[edit] References

  1. ^ Laister, Nick. The Beast of Barry. Retrieved on May 9, 2006.
  2. ^ ==Press Release – March 2007== HYPER VALUE (HOLDINGS) LIMITED was incorporated in 1980 by Ken Rogers, the Founder and then Chairman of the Hypervalue Group. It was best known for the fourteen discount retail stores that encompassed the whole of South Wales extending into the South West of England and as far away as Southampton. As of late 2006 the company went into administration and all stores were closed by early 2007. Approximate extent of South Wales is an area of Wales bordered by England and the Bristol Channel to the east and south, and Mid Wales and West Wales to the north and west. The retail group started as a market stall held by Ken Rogers which he leased on the Barry Island Pleasure Park around 25 years ago – in recent years Hypervalue has owned the pleasure park. In August 2006 fifty percent of the company was bought by Hilco, a company specialising in selling off assets from failing retail businesses. Four stores were sold to Buyology in October 2006 and four more in December 2006. Six stores were sold to back to Ian Rogers for his new business renamed Hypa-Xtra as part of a deal which saw Hilco agree to a joint venture to acquire and operate Barry Island Pleasure Park, plus the Dolphin bar and KR's nightclub in Barry. Creditors of Hypervalue received 45p in the pound.
  3. ^ Margate coaster updates

[edit] See also

[edit] External links
