Baron Hill (house)

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Baron Hill is an estate in Beaumaris, Anglesey, Wales, named after the hill on which it stands. It was established in 1618 by Sir Richard Bulkeley as the family seat of the influential Bulkeley family.

During the English Civil War, Richard's successor, Colonel Thomas Bulkeley, is said to have invited King Charles I to take possession of the house and set up his court there.

During World War I, death duties soaked up the family fortune and made it impossible for the family (by then called Williams-Bulkeley to continue to maintain the house. In World War II the Royal Engineers were stationed at the house. It was later damaged by fire, but the house survives.

The Bulkeley Monument was built on the crest of Baron Hill in 1875. A golf course was added in the 1880s and Baron Hill Golf Club is now the most notable remnant of the estate.

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