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Bangabhumi (Bangla: বঙ্গভূমি, meaning the land of Bengal) also known as Bir Bango (Bangla:বীর বঙ্গ), is a proposed Hindu republic in southwestern Bangladesh envisioned by many separatist groups, such as the Swadhin Bangabhumi Andolan and the Banga Sena.

The movement was founded in 1973 in India soon after Bangladeshi independence to support the Hindu refugees from Bangladesh, who were targeted by the Pakistani army in the 1971 Bangladesh atrocities. However, this movement did not receive much support at that time. In an interview with BBC in 2001, Chittaranjan Sutar, one of the alleged organisers of the movement, denied any existence of the movement at that time. [1] The movement openly became active again on 2003 when it declared the independence of Hindu Republic of Bangabhumi.[2]


[edit] Ideological arguments

Hindus made up 30% of the total population of East Bengal in 1947. However, after the partition, the Hindu population went down to 19% in 1961.[3] On 1998, it was down to 16% [4] and on 2002 it was less than 10%.[3] Therefore, starting from 1998, within four years, the Hindu population decreased 6%. On the other hand, the minority population in the neighbouring West Bengal has increased from 12% in 1947 to thriving 24% in 1991 according to Census of India. In addition, a new amendment in the citizenship law [5] of India has passed, restricting Bangladeshis and Pakistanis to become Indian citizens. Therefore, the refugees, who entered India after the creation of Pakistan (including 1971) have become illegal in India.

Ziaur Rahman amended the Enemy Property Act giving the government the sole power to control the disputed lands of the minorities.[6] As a result of the amendments, the government started to capture the lands of the minorities by the name of hunting down the enemy properties.

Salam Azad has written 150-page book, "Hindu Sampraday Keno Bangladesh Tag Korche" (Why are the Hindus migrating from Bangladesh), where he mentions, "The ones described in this book relate to the period between 1989 and 1997. Thousands of such instances will never come to the notice of the world, because they have not been recorded or the records have not been preserved. The ones described in this book are collected from journals and newspapers, and from workers of non-governmental organisations working among the victims. I have tried to visit some of the locations in order to check the correctness of the reports. Wherever I have done so, I have been struck by the enormity of the crime, I have been shaken to my roots." Similarly people like Dr. Humayun Azad and Taslima Nasrin talked about the rights of Hindus in Bangladesh.

[edit] Conflicts

Even though no violence has so far been reported committed by these groups, Bangladeshi government is concerned by this movement [1] and accuses India of funding separatist groups. Bangladesh also wants to halt the activities of at least five groups, Banga Sena led by Kalidas Baidya, Bir Banga Hindu Prajatantra (Hindu Republic of Strong Bengal) led by Shakti Sen, Bangladesh Udbastu Unnayan Parishad led by Bimal Majumder, Bangladesh Udbastu Mancha led by Upen Biswas and Bir Banga Sena founded by Chitaranjan Sutar. Bangladesh accuse that these groups are causing communal tension in South-western Bangladesh. On the other hand, these groups claim that they are fighting for a separate sovereign country for the Hindus of Bangladesh.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

[edit] Notable Links

[edit] References
