Banbury cakes

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Banbury cakes are a kind of spiced, currant-filled, flat pastry cake similar to an Eccles cake - although they are more oval in shape - once made and sold exclusively in Banbury. Banbury cakes have been made in the region to secret recipes since 1586 or earlier and they are still made, but not in such large quantities. The cakes were once sent as far afield as Australia, India and America.

Banbury cakes pre date Eccles cakes by over 200 years, Laying rest to the claim that Banbury cakes are just oval shaped Eccles cakes. It is in fact more the other way around.

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Banbury Miscellaneous

Newspapers: Banbury Guardian newspaper • The Banbury Review Newspaper • Banbury Cake Newspaper •

Miscellaneous: Banbury cakes • Banbury United F.C. • Touch FM • Grimsbury Reservoir • Banbury railway station • Kraft Foods Banbury • Banbury Cross Retail Park