Bajalta California

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Bajalta California is the urban complex straddling the United States-Mexico border at the Pacific Ocean. It consists of Southern California and the Baja California cities of Tijuana and Mexicali. As defined by Michael Dear and Gustavo Leclerc of USC, Bajalta California contains metropolitan Los Angeles, San Diego, Tijuana, and Mexicali.

Note that the term "Bajalta Califoria" appears to be used almost exclusively, per Google, in discussions of Dear & Leclerc's book.


[edit] Population

[edit] Core Population

The combined population of Bajalta California as defined by Dear and Leclerc is over 24 million:

  • Los Angeles County: 10 Million
  • Orange County: 3.1 Million
  • San Diego County: 3 Million
  • San Bernardino County: 2 Million
  • Riverside County: 2 Million
  • Ventura County: 1 Million
  • Imperial County: 0.1 Million
  • Municipality of Tijuana: 1.5 Million
  • Municipality of Ensenada: 0.4 Million
  • Municipality of Mexicali: 1 Million

Total: 24,000,000

[edit] Additional Populations

Various arguments can be made, based on varying criteria, for including some or all of the following urban areas:

  • Bakersfield (Kern County): 700,000
  • Santa Barbara County: 380,000
  • Las Vegas (Clark County): 2 Million
  • Phoenix Metro: 4 Million

Adjusted Total: 31,080,000

[edit] References

  • Dear, Michael, and Gustavo Leclerc. Postborder City: Cultural Spaces of Bajalta California, Routledge, 2003. ISBN 0-415-94420-1

[edit] See also