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[edit] Contact Information

Name: Ryan
Email: badarts/AT/gmail/DOT/com

[edit] Selected Quotes

"From the unreal, lead me to the real!" --Brihad-Aranyaka Upanishad 1.3.28

"When I dare to be powerful-to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid." --Audre Lorde

"Senator, when you took your oath of office, you placed your hand on the Bible and swore to uphold the Constitution. You did not place your hand on the Constitution and swear to uphold the Bible." --Jamie Raskin

"Eventually, everything connects." --Charles Eames

"It is easier to sail many thousand miles through cold and storm and cannibals, in a government ship, with five hundred men and boys to assist one, than it is to explore the private sea, the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean of one's being alone." --H.D. Thoreau

“Walk tall, kick ass, learn to speak Arabic, love music and never forget that you come from a long line of truth seekers, lovers and warriors.” --Hunter S. Thompson

"In order to acquire a growing and lasting respect in society, it is a good thing, if you possess great talent, to give, early in your youth, a very hard kick to the right shin of the society that you love. After that, be a snob." --Salvador Dali