Bacon sandwich

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Two pieces of brown bread, butter, and a larger-than-typical amount of bacon, assembled to form a bacon sandwich.
Two pieces of brown bread, butter, and a larger-than-typical amount of bacon, assembled to form a bacon sandwich.

A bacon sandwich (also bacon butty or bacon sarnie (UK) and bacon sanger or pigwitch (Aus)) is a form of sandwich made from cooked bacon between two slices of bread, either toasted or buttered. Usually some form of sauce, such as tomato ketchup or brown sauce, is included. (HP Sauce advertises itself as the perfect complement to a bacon sandwich.)

Bacon sandwiches are an all-day favourite throughout the United Kingdom. Considered too plebeian to be found on the menus of high class restaurants, they are often served in greasy spoons. Other ingredients such as sausage, fried or scrambled egg and beans are often added.

A variant of the bacon sandwich or butty is the BLT (bacon, lettuce and tomato) sandwich.

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