Bachir Qamari

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Bashir Qamari is a well known Moroccan literary critic, novelist and playwright. He was born in Nador in 1951. He studied Arabic literature in Rabat (1975 MA, 1987 PhD). He was professor at the faculty of literature in Kenitra and teaches contemporary literature at the University of Rabat.

[edit] References

Wazzani, H:asan al- (ed). Dalîl al-Kuttâb al-Magâriba A`d:â` Ittih:âd Kuttâb al- Magrib. Rabat: Manshűrât Ittih:âd Kuttâb al-Magrib, 1993, p.331

[edit] Bibliography

  • QAMARI, Bashir. al-Muh:ârib wa bi-l-aslih:a. Kenitra: al-Bűkîlî li-l-Nashr, 1995. (the fighter and his weapons)
  • QAMARI, Bashir. al-Tinnîn . Rabat: Űbtîmâ, 1998.(the dragon)
  • QAMARI, Bashir. Fî al-infitâh al-nas:s: wa-l-qirâ´. Rabat: Qâfila al-Kitâb, 2002. (literary criticism)
  • QAMARI, Bashir. Fî al-tah:lîl al-darâmâturdjî lil-nas:s. Tánger: Manshűrât Shirâ`, 1999. (analysis and dramaturgy of texts)
  • QAMARI, Bashir. H:afriyât al-mudun. Kenitra: al-Bűkîlî li-l-Nashr, 1996. (on excavations)
  • QAMARI, Bashir. H:arb al-basűs. (the war of camels)
  • QAMARI, Bashir. "Huwiyya al-naqd al-adabî bi-l-Magrib". in: Madini, Ahmad Hadjmuri Abd al-Fattah eds., Al-Adab al-magribi al-h:adîth `alâmât wa qas:âs:id. Rabat: Manshűrât Râbit:a Udabâ` al-Magrib, 2006, 65-98. (on literary criticism in Morocco)
  • QAMARI, Bashir. Iklîdin: tarâdjîdiâ malh:amiyya. Kenitra: Al-Bűkîlî lil-T:ibâ`a wa-l-Nashr wa-l-Tawzî, 2002. (Ekledin: a tragic epic)
  • QAMARI, Bashir. Madjâzât dirâsât fî al-ibdâ`al-`arabî al-mu`â Beirut: Dâr al-Âdâb , 2000. (on contemporay Arab literature)
  • QAMARI, Bashir. Radj`a Laylâ al-`Amariyya. Rabat: Qâfila al-Kitâb, 1999.(The return of de Layla al-Amariyya. Theatre)
  • QAMARI, Bashir. Shi'riyya al-nas:s: al-riwâ´î. Rabat : Al-Bayâdir , 1991.(literary criticism concerning poetry)
  • QAMARI, Bashir. Sirr al-bahlawân . Kenitra: al-Bűkîlî li-l-Nashr, 1997. (the secret of the country-side)
  • QAMARI, Bashir. T:arâ´iq tah:lîl al-sard al-adabî. Rabat: Manshűrât Ittih:âd al-Kuttab al-Magrib, 1992. (analysis of the literary narrative)