Azov campaigns

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Azov campaigns of 1695-1696 (Азовские походы in Russian), two Russian military campaigns during the Russo-Turkish War of 1686-1700, led by Peter the Great and aimed at capturing the Turkish fortress of Azov (garrison - 7,000 men), which had been blocking Russia's access to the Azov Sea and the Black Sea.

[edit] The first Azov campaign

The 1st Azov campaign began in the spring of 1695. Peter the Great ordered his army (31,000 men and 170 guns) to advance towards Azov. The army comprised crack regiments and the Don Cossacks and was divided into three units under the command of Franz Lefort, Patrick Gordon and Avtonom Golovin. Another Russian army (120,000 men, mostly cavalrymen, Streltsy and Ukrainian Cossacks) under the command of Boris Sheremetev set out for the lower reaches of the Dnieper with the goal of diverting the Crimean Khanate's attention. Between June 27 and July 5, the Russians completely blocked Azov from land. After two unsuccessful attacks on August 5 and September 25, the siege was lifted.

[edit] The second Azov campaign

Taking of Azov, a 17th-centuty Dutch engraving
Taking of Azov, a 17th-centuty Dutch engraving

In the end of 1695, the Russians began preparing for the second Azov campaign. By the spring of 1696, they had built the Azov Flotilla. The cavalry under the command of Sheremetev (up to 70,000 men) was once again sent to the lower reaches of the Dnieper. On April 23-26, the main forces (75,000 men) under the command of Aleksei Shein started to advance towards Azov by land and by water (the rivers of Voronezh and Don). Peter I and his galley fleet left for Azov on May 3. On May 27, the Russian fleet (2 battleships, 4 fire ships, 23 galleys etc.) under the command of Lefort reached the sea and blocked Azov. On June 14, the Turkish fleet (23 ships with 4,000 men) appeared at the mouth of the Don. However, it left after having lost 2 ships in combat. After massive bombardment from land and sea and seizure of the external rampart of the fortress by the Ukrainian and Don Cossaks on July 17, the Azov garrison surrendered on July 19.

[edit] Aftermath

The Azov campaigns demonstrated the significance of having a fleet and marked the beginning of Russia's turning into a maritime power. Russia's success at Azov strengthened its positions during the Karlowitz Congress of 1698-1699 (see Treaty of Karlowitz) and favored the signing of the Treaty of Constantinople in 1700. As Azov's haven wasn't convenient for the military fleet, the Tsar selected another more appropriate site on July 27, 1696 on the cape Tagan-Rog (Taganrog). On September 12, 1698 was founded Taganrog, which became the first military base of the Russian Navy.

Although the campaign was a success, it was evident to Peter I of Russia that he achieved only partial results, as the entry into the Black Sea was still not possible without controlling the whole Crimean Peninsula. A regular navy and specialist who could build and navigate military ships were necessary for resisting the Ottoman attacks. On October 20, 1696 the Boyar Duma decreed the creation of the regular Imperial Russian Navy, this date is considered to be the birthday of the Russian Navy. The first shipbuilding program consisted of 52 vessels.