
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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// Temporary necisy of evil, shouldn't really be here,
// but as it is at the moment the only required file for all modules
// of twinkle, it's here.
// Shold perhaps be moved into a "twinklebase.js" file.
var twinkleConfigExists = false;
if( userIsInGroup( 'sysop' ) || twUserIsWhitelisted() ) {
	twinkleConfigExists = true;
function twUserIsWhitelisted() {
	return userIsInGroup( 'autoconfirmed' );
Cookies = {
	 * Creates an cookie with the name and value pair. expiry is optional or null and defaults
	 * to browser standard (in seconds), path is optional and defaults to "/"
	 * throws error if the cookie already exists.
	create: function( name, value, max_age, path ) {
		if( Cookies.exists( name ) ) {
			throw "cookie " + name + " already exists";
		Cookies.set( name, value, max_age, path );
	 * Sets an cookie with the name and value pair, overwrites any previous cookie of that name.
	 * expiry is optional or null and defaults to browser standard (in seconds),
	 * path is optional and defaults to /
	set: function( name, value, max_age, path ) {
		var cookie = name + "=" + encodeURIComponent( value );
		if( max_age ) {
			cookie += "; max-age=" + max_age;
		cookie += "; path=" + path || "/";
		document.cookie = cookie;
	 * Retuns the cookie with the name "name", return null if no cookie found.
	read: function( name ) {
		var cookies = document.cookie.split(";");
		for( var i = 0; i < cookies.length; ++i ) {
			var current = cookies[i];
			current = current.trim();
			if( current.indexOf( name + "=" ) == 0 ) {
				return decodeURIComponent( current.substring( name.length + 1 ) );
		return null;
	 * Returns true if a cookie exists, false otherwise
	exists: function( name ) {
		var re = new RegExp( ";\\s*" + name + "=" );
		return re.test( document.cookie );
	 * Deletes the cookie named "name"
	remove: function( name ) {
		Cookies.set( name, '', -1 );
 * Quickform is a class for creation of simple and standard forms without much 
 * specific coding.
QuickForm = function QuickForm( event, eventType ) {
	this.root = new QuickForm.element( { type: 'form', event: event, eventType:eventType } );
	var cssNode = document.createElement('style');
	cssNode.type = 'text/css';
	cssNode.rel = 'stylesheet';
	cssNode.appendChild( document.createTextNode("")); // Safari bugfix
	var styles = cssNode.sheet ? cssNode.sheet : cssNode.stylesSheet;
	styles.insertRule("form.quickform { width: 96%; margin:auto; padding: .5em; vertical-align: middle}", 0);
	styles.insertRule("form.quickform * { font-family: sans-serif; vertical-align: middle}", 0);
	styles.insertRule("form.quickform select { width: 30em; border: 1px solid gray; font-size: 1.1em}", 0);
	styles.insertRule("form.quickform h5 { border-top: 1px solid gray;}", 0);
	styles.insertRule("form.quickform textarea { width: 100%; height: 6em }", 0);
	styles.insertRule("form.quickform .tooltipButtonContainer { position: relative; width: 100%; }", 0);
	styles.insertRule("form.quickform .tooltipButton { padding: .2em; color: blue; font-weight: bold; cursor:help;}", 0);
	styles.insertRule(".quickformtooltip { z-index: 200; position: absolute; padding: .1em; border: 1px dotted red; background-color: Linen; font: caption; font-size: 10pt; max-width: 800px}", 0);
QuickForm.prototype.render = function QuickFormRender() {
	return this.root.render();
QuickForm.prototype.append = function QuickFormAppend( data ) {
	return this.root.append( data );
QuickForm.element = function QuickFormElement( data ) { = data;
	this.childs = []; =;
} = 0;
QuickForm.element.prototype.append = function QuickFormElementAppend( data ) {
	if( data instanceof QuickForm.element ) {
		var child = data;
	} else {
		var child = new QuickForm.element( data );
	this.childs.push( child );
	return child;
QuickForm.element.prototype.render = function QuickFormElementRender() {
	var currentNode = this.compute( );
	for( var i = 0; i < this.childs.length; ++i ) {
		currentNode[1].appendChild( this.childs[i].render() );
	return currentNode[0];
QuickForm.element.prototype.compute = function QuickFormElementCompute( data, in_id ) {
	var node;
	var childContainder = null;
	var label;
	var id = ( in_id ? in_id + '_' : '' ) + 'node_' +;
	if( data.adminonly && !userIsInGroup( 'sysop' ) ) {
		// hell hack alpha
		data.type = hidden;
	switch( data.type ) {
	case 'form':
		node = document.createElement( 'form' );
		node.setAttribute( 'name', 'id' );
		node.className = "quickform";
		node.setAttribute( 'action', 'javascript:void(0);');
		if( data.event ) {
			node.addEventListener( data.eventType || 'submit', data.event , false );
	case 'select':
		node = document.createElement( 'div' );
		node.setAttribute( 'id', 'div_' + id );
		if( data.label ) {
			label = node.appendChild( document.createElement( 'label' ) );
			label.setAttribute( 'for', id );
			label.appendChild( document.createTextNode( data.label ) );
		var select = node.appendChild( document.createElement( 'select' ) );
		if( data.event ) {
			select.addEventListener( 'change', data.event, false );
		if( data.multiple ) {
			select.setAttribute( 'multiple', 'multiple' );
		if( data.size ) {
			select.setAttribute( 'size', data.size );
		select.setAttribute( 'name', );
		if( data.list ) {
			for( var i = 0; i < data.list.length; ++i ) {
				var current = data.list[i];
				if( current.list ) {
					current.type = 'optgroup';
				} else {
					current.type = 'option';
				var res = this.compute( current );
				select.appendChild( res[0] );
		childContainder = select;
	case 'option':
		node = document.createElement( 'option' );
		node.values = data.value;
		node.setAttribute( 'value', data.value );
		if( data.selected ) {
			node.setAttribute( 'selected', 'selected' );
		if( data.disabled ) {
			node.setAttribute( 'disabled', 'disabled' );
		node.setAttribute( 'label', data.label );
		node.appendChild( document.createTextNode( data.label ) );
	case 'optgroup':
		node = document.createElement( 'optgroup' );
		node.setAttribute( 'label', data.label );
		if( data.list ) {
			for( var i = 0; i < data.list.length; ++i ) {
				var current = data.list[i];
				current.type = 'option'; //must be options here
				var res = this.compute( current );
				node.appendChild( res[0] );
	case 'field':
		node = document.createElement( 'fieldset' );
		label = node.appendChild( document.createElement( 'legend' ) );
		label.appendChild( document.createTextNode( data.label ) );
		if( ) {
			node.setAttribute( 'name', );
	case 'checkbox':
	case 'radio':
		node = document.createElement( 'div' );
		if( data.list ) {
			for( var i = 0; i < data.list.length; ++i ) {
				var cur_id = id + '_' + i;
				var current = data.list[i];
				if( current.type == 'header' ) {
					// inline hack
					cur_node = node.appendChild( document.createElement( 'h6' ) );
					cur_node.appendChild( document.createTextNode( current.label ) );
					if( current.tooltip ) {
						QuickForm.element.generateTooltip( cur_node , current );
				cur_node = node.appendChild( document.createElement( 'div' ) );
				var input = cur_node.appendChild( document.createElement( 'input' ) );
				input.values = current.value;
				input.setAttribute( 'value', current.value );
				input.setAttribute( 'name', || );
				input.setAttribute( 'type', data.type );
				input.setAttribute( 'id', cur_id );
				if( current.checked ) {
					input.setAttribute( 'checked', 'checked' );
				if( current.disabled ) {
					input.setAttribute( 'disabled', 'disabled' );
				if( data.event ) {
					input.addEventListener( 'change', data.event, false );
				} else if ( current.event ) {
					input.addEventListener( 'change', current.event, true );
				var label = cur_node.appendChild( document.createElement( 'label' ) );
				label.appendChild( document.createTextNode( current.label ) );
				label.setAttribute( 'for', cur_id );
				if( current.tooltip ) {
					QuickForm.element.generateTooltip( label, current );
				if( current.subgroup ) {
					var tmpgroup = current.subgroup;
					if( ! tmpgroup.type ) {
						tmpgroup.type = data.type;
					} = ( || + '.' +;
					var subgroup =this.compute( current.subgroup, cur_id )[0]; = '3em';
					input.subgroup = subgroup;
					var event = function(e) {
						if( ) { );
						} else { );
					input.addEventListener( 'change', event, true );
					if( current.checked ) {
						input.parentNode.appendChild( subgroup );
	case 'input':
		node = document.createElement( 'div' );
		if( data.label ) {
			label = node.appendChild( document.createElement( 'label' ) );
			label.appendChild( document.createTextNode( data.label ) );
			label.setAttribute( 'for', id );
		var input = node.appendChild( document.createElement( 'input' ) );
		if( data.value ) {
			input.setAttribute( 'value', data.value );
		input.setAttribute( 'name', );
		input.setAttribute( 'type', 'text' );
		if( data.size ) {
			input.setAttribute( 'size', data.size );
		if( data.disabled ) {
			input.setAttribute( 'disabled', 'disabled' );
		if( data.readonly ) {
			input.setAttribute( 'readonly', 'readonly' );
		if( data.maxlength ) {
			input.setAttribute( 'maxlength', data.maxlength );
		if( data.event ) {
			input.addEventListener( 'keyup', data.event, false );
	case 'hidden':
		var node = document.createElement( 'input' );
		node.setAttribute( 'type', 'hidden' );
		node.values = data.value;
		node.setAttribute( 'value', data.value );
		node.setAttribute( 'name', );
	case 'header':
		node = document.createElement( 'h5' );
		node.appendChild( document.createTextNode( data.label ) );
	case 'div':
		node = document.createElement( 'div' );
	case 'submit':
		node = document.createElement( 'span' );
		childContainder = node.appendChild(document.createElement( 'input' ));
		childContainder.setAttribute( 'type', 'submit' );
		if( data.label ) {
			childContainder.setAttribute( 'value', data.label );
		childContainder.setAttribute( 'name', || 'submit' );
		if( data.disabled ) {
			childContainder.setAttribute( 'disabled', 'disabled' );
	case 'button':
		node = document.createElement( 'span' );
		childContainder = node.appendChild(document.createElement( 'input' ));
		childContainder.setAttribute( 'type', 'button' );
		if( data.label ) {
			childContainder.setAttribute( 'value', data.label );
		childContainder.setAttribute( 'name', );
		if( data.disabled ) {
			childContainder.setAttribute( 'disabled', 'disabled' );
		if( data.event ) {
			childContainder.addEventListener( 'click', data.event, false );
	case 'textarea':
		node = document.createElement( 'div' );
		if( data.label ) {
			label = node.appendChild( document.createElement( 'label' ) );
			label.appendChild( document.createTextNode( data.label ) );
			label.setAttribute( 'for', id );
		node.appendChild( document.createElement( 'br' ) );
		textarea = node.appendChild( document.createElement( 'textarea' ) );
		textarea.setAttribute( 'name', );
		if( data.cols ) {
			textarea.setAttribute( 'cols', data.cols );
		if( data.rows ) {
			textarea.setAttribute( 'rows', data.rows );
		if( data.disabled ) {
			textarea.setAttribute( 'disabled', 'disabled' );
		if( data.readonly ) {
			textarea.setAttribute( 'readonly', 'readonly' );
	if( childContainder == null ) {
		childContainder = node;
	if( data.tooltip ) {
		QuickForm.element.generateTooltip( label || node , data );
	if( data.extra ) {
		childContainder.extra = extra;
	childContainder.setAttribute( 'id', || id );
	return [ node, childContainder ];
QuickForm.element.generateTooltip = function QuickFormElementGenerateTooltip( node, data ) {
		var tooltipButtonContainer = node.appendChild( document.createElement( 'span' ) );
		tooltipButtonContainer.className = 'tooltipButtonContainer';
		var tooltipButton = tooltipButtonContainer.appendChild( document.createElement( 'span' ) );
		tooltipButton.className = 'tooltipButton';
		tooltipButton.appendChild( document.createTextNode( '?' ) );
		var tooltip = document.createElement( 'div' );
		tooltip.className = 'quickformtooltip';
		tooltip.appendChild( document.createTextNode( data.tooltip ) );
		tooltipButton.tooltip = tooltip;
		tooltipButton.showing = false;
		tooltipButton.interval = null;
		tooltipButton.addEventListener( 'mouseover', QuickForm.element.generateTooltip.display, false );
		tooltipButton.addEventListener( 'mouseout', QuickForm.element.generateTooltip.fade, false );
QuickForm.element.generateTooltip.display = function QuickFormElementGenerateTooltipDisplay(e) {
	window.clearInterval( ); '-moz-opacity', 1, null); 'opacity', 1, null); = (e.pageX - e.layerX + 24) + "px"; = (e.pageY - e.layerY + 12) + "px";
	document.body.appendChild( ); = true;
QuickForm.element.generateTooltip.fade = function QuickFormElementGenerateTooltipFade( e ) { = 1.2;  = window.setInterval(function(e){ '-moz-opacity',, null); 'opacity',, null); -= 0.1;
			if( <= 0 ) {
				window.clearInterval( );
				document.body.removeChild( ); = false;
 * returns an array containing the values of elements with the given name, that has it's
 * checked property set to true. (i.e. a checkbox or a radiobutton is checked), or select options
 * that have selected set to true. (don't try to mix selects with radio/checkboxes, please)
 * Type is optional and can specify if either radio or checkbox (for the event
 * that both checkboxes and radiobuttons have the same name.
HTMLFormElement.prototype.getChecked = function( name, type ) {
	var elements = this.elements[name];
	if( !elements ) { 
		// if the element doesn't exists, return null.
		return null;
	var return_array = [];
	if( elements instanceof HTMLSelectElement ) {
		var options = elements.options;
		for( var i = 0; i < options.length; ++i ) {
			if( options[i].selected ) {
				if( options[i].values ) {
					return_array.push( options[i].values );
				} else {
					return_array.push( options[i].value );
	} else if( elements instanceof HTMLInputElement ) {
		if( type != null && elements.type != type ) {
			return [];
		} else if( elements.checked ) {
			return [ elements.value ];
	} else {
		for( var i = 0; i < elements.length; ++i ) {
			if( elements[i].checked ) {
				if( type != null && elements[i].type != type ) {
				if( elements[i].values ) {
					return_array.push( elements[i].values );
				} else {
					return_array.push( elements[i].value );
	return return_array;
 * returns an array containing the values of elements with the given name, that has non-empty strings
 * type is "text" or given.
HTMLFormElement.prototype.getTexts = function( name, type ) {
	type == type || 'text';
	var elements = this.elements[name];
	if( !elements ) { 
		// if the element doesn't exists, return null.
		return null;
	var return_array = [];
	for( var i = 0; i < elements.length; ++i ) {
		if( elements[i].type == type && elements[i].value != '' ) {
			return_array.push( elements[i].value );
	return return_array;
* Will escape a string to be used in a RegExp
RegExp.escape = function( text, space_fix ) {
	if ( !arguments.callee.sRE ) {
		arguments.callee.sRE = /(\/|\.|\*|\+|\?|\||\(|\)|\[|\]|\{|\}|\\|\$|\^)/g;
	text = text.replace( arguments.callee.sRE , '\\$1' );
	// Special Mediawiki escape, underscore/space is the same, often at lest:
	if( space_fix ) {
		text = text.replace( / |_/g, '[_ ]' );
	return text;
// Sprintf implementation based on perl similar
function sprintf() {
	if( arguments.length == 0 ) {
		throw "Not enough arguments for sprintf";
	var result = "";
	var format = arguments[0];
	var index = 1;
	var current_index = 1;
	var flags = {};
	var in_operator = false;
	var relative = false;
	var precision = false;
	var fixed = false;
	var vector = false;
	var vector_delimiter = '.';
	for( var i = 0; i < format.length; ++i ) {
		var current_char = format.charAt(i);
		if( in_operator ) {
			switch( current_char ) {
			case 'i':
				current_char = 'd';
			case 'F':
				current_char = 'f';
			case '%':
			case 'c':
			case 's':
			case 'd':
			case 'u':
			case 'o':
			case 'x':
			case 'e':
			case 'f':
			case 'g':
			case 'X':
			case 'E':
			case 'G':
			case 'b':
				var value = arguments[current_index];
				if( vector ) {
					r = value.toString().split( '' );
					result += value.toString().split('').map( function( value ) {
							return sprintf.format( current_char, value.charCodeAt(), flags );
						}).join( vector_delimiter );
				} else {
					result += sprintf.format( current_char, value, flags );
				if( !fixed ) {
				current_index = index;
				flags = {};
				relative = false;
				in_operator = false;
				precision = false;
				fixed = false;
				vector = false;
				vector_delimiter = '.';
			case 'v':
				vector = true;
			case ' ':
			case '0':
			case '-':
			case '+':
			case '#':
				flags[current_char] = true;
			case '*':
				relative = true;
			case '.':
				precision = true;
			if( /\d/.test( current_char ) ) {
				var num = parseInt( format.substr( i ) );
				var len = num.toString().length;
				i += len - 1;
				var next = format.charAt( i  + 1 );
				if( next == '$' ) {
					if( num <= 0 || num >= arguments.length ) {
						throw "out of bound";
					if( relative ) {
						if( precision ) {
							flags['precision'] = arguments[num];
							precision = false;
						} else if( format.charAt( i + 2 ) == 'v' ) {
							vector_delimiter = arguments[num];
						}else {
							flags['width'] = arguments[num];
						relative = false;
					} else {
						fixed = true;
						current_index = num;
				} else if( precision ) {
					flags['precision'] = num;
					precision = false;
				} else {
					flags['width'] = num;
			} else if ( relative && !/\d/.test( format.charAt( i + 1 ) ) ) {
				if( precision ) {
					flags['precision'] = arguments[current_index];
					precision = false;
				} else if( format.charAt( i + 1 ) == 'v' ) {
					vector_delimiter = arguments[current_index];
				} else {
					flags['width'] = arguments[current_index];
				if( !fixed ) {
				relative = false;
		} else {
			if( current_char == '%' ) {
				in_operator = true;
			} else {
				result += current_char;
	return result;
sprintf.format = function sprintfFormat( type, value, flags ) {
	// Similar to how perl printf works
	if( value == undefined ) {
		if( type == 's' ) {
			return '';
		} else {
			return '0';
	var result;
	var prefix = '';
	var fill = '';
	var fillchar = ' ';
	switch( type ) {
	case '%':
		result = '%';
	case 'c':
		result = String.fromCharCode( parseInt( value ) );
	case 's':
		result = value.toString();
	case 'd':
		result = parseInt( value ).toString();
	case 'u':
		result = Math.abs( parseInt( value ) ).toString(); // it's not correct, but JS lacks unsigned ints
	case 'o':
		result = (new Number( Math.abs( parseInt( value ) ) ) ).toString(8);
	case 'x':
		result = (new Number( Math.abs( parseInt( value ) ) ) ).toString(16);
	case 'b':
		result = (new Number( Math.abs( parseInt( value ) ) ) ).toString(2);
	case 'e':
		var digits = flags['precision'] ? flags['precision'] : 6;
		result = (new Number( value ) ).toExponential( digits ).toString();
	case 'f':
		var digits = flags['precision'] ? flags['precision'] : 6;
		result = (new Number( value ) ).toFixed( digits ).toString();
	case 'g':
		var digits = flags['precision'] ? flags['precision'] : 6;
		result = (new Number( value ) ).toPrecision( digits ).toString();
	case 'X':
		result = (new Number( Math.abs( parseInt( value ) ) ) ).toString(16).toUpperCase();
	case 'E':
		var digits = flags['precision'] ? flags['precision'] : 6;
		result = (new Number( value ) ).toExponential( digits ).toString().toUpperCase();
	case 'G':
		var digits = flags['precision'] ? flags['precision'] : 6;
		result = (new Number( value ) ).toPrecision( digits ).toString().toUpperCase();
	if(flags['+'] && parseFloat( value ) > 0 && ['d','e','f','g','E','G'].indexOf(type) != -1 ) {
		prefix = '+';
	if(flags[' '] && parseFloat( value ) > 0 && ['d','e','f','g','E','G'].indexOf(type) != -1 ) {
		prefix = ' ';
	if( flags['#'] && parseInt( value ) != 0 ) {
		switch(type) {
		case 'o':
			prefix = '0';
		case 'x':
		case 'X':
			prefix = '0x';
		case 'b':
			prefix = '0b';
	if( flags['0'] && !flags['-'] ) {
		fillchar = '0';
	if( flags['width'] && flags['width'] > ( result.length + prefix.length ) ) {
		var tofill = flags['width'] - result.length - prefix.length;
		for( var i = 0; i < tofill; ++i ) {
			fill += fillchar;
	if( flags['-'] && !flags['0'] ) {
		result += fill;
	} else {
		result = fill + result;
	return prefix + result;
Bytes = function ( value ) {
	if( typeof(value) == 'string' ) {
		var res = /(\d+) ?(\w?)(i?)B?/.exec( value );
		var number = res[1];
		var mag = res[2];
		var si = res[3];
		if( ! number ) {
			this.number = 0;
		if( !si ) {
			this.value = number * Math.pow( 10, Bytes.magnitudes[mag] * 3 );
		} else {
			this.value = number * Math.pow( 2, Bytes.magnitudes[mag] * 10 );
	} else {
		this.value = value;
Bytes.magnitudes = {
	'': 0,
	'K': 1,
	'M': 2,
	'G': 3,
	'T': 4,
	'P': 5,
	'E': 6,
	'Z': 7,
	'Y': 8
Bytes.rmagnitudes = {
	0: '',
	1: 'K',
	2: 'M',
	3: 'G',
	4: 'T',
	5: 'P',
	6: 'E',
	7: 'Z',
	8: 'Y'
Bytes.prototype.valueOf = function() {
	return this.value;
Bytes.prototype.toString = function( magnitude ) {
	var tmp = this.value;
	if( magnitude ) {
		var si = /i/.test(magnitude);
		var mag = magnitude.replace( /.*?(\w)i?B?.*/g, '$1' );
		if( si ) {
			tmp /= Math.pow( 2, Bytes.magnitudes[mag] * 10 );
		} else {
			tmp /= Math.pow( 10, Bytes.magnitudes[mag] * 3 );
		if( parseInt( tmp ) != tmp ) {
			tmp = (new Number( tmp ) ).toPrecision( 4 );
		return tmp + ' ' + mag + (si?'i':'') +  'B';
	} else {
		// si per default
		var current = 0;
		while( tmp >= 1024 ) {
			tmp /= 1024;
		tmp = this.value / Math.pow( 2, current * 10 );
		if( parseInt( tmp ) != tmp ) {
			tmp = (new Number( tmp ) ).toPrecision( 4 );
		return tmp + ' ' + Bytes.rmagnitudes[current] + ( current > 0 ? 'iB' : 'B' );
String.prototype.ltrim = function stringPrototypeLtrim( chars ) {
	chars = chars || "\\s*";
	return this.replace( new RegExp("^[" + chars + "]+", "g"), "" );
String.prototype.rtrim = function stringPrototypeRtrim( chars ) {
	chars = chars || "\\s*";
	return this.replace( new RegExp("[" + chars + "]+$", "g"), "" );
String.prototype.trim = function stringPrototypeTrim( chars ) {
	return this.rtrim(chars).ltrim(chars);
String.prototype.splitWeightedByKeys = function stringPrototypeSplitWeightedByKeys( start, end, skip ) {
	if( start.length != end.length ) {
		throw 'start marker and end marker must be of the same length';
	var level = 0;
	var initial = null;
	var result = [];
	if( !( skip instanceof Array ) ) {
		if( typeof( skip ) == 'undefined' ) {
			skip = [];
		} else if( typeof( skip ) == 'string' ) {
			skip = [ skip ];
		} else {
			throw "non-applicable skip parameter";
	for( var i  = 0; i < this.length; ++i ) {
		for( var j = 0; j < skip.length; ++j ) {
			if( this.substr( i, skip[j].length ) == skip[j] ) {
				i += skip[j].length - 1;
		if( this.substr( i, start.length ) == start ) {
			if( initial == null ) {
				initial = i;
			i += start.length - 1;
		} else if( this.substr( i, end.length ) == end ) {
			i += end.length - 1;
		if( level == 0 && initial != null ) {
			result.push( this.substring( initial, i + 1 ) );
			initial = null;
	return result;
Array.prototype.uniq = function arrayPrototypeUniq() {
	var result = [];
	for( var i = 0; i < this.length; ++i ) {
		var current = this[i];
		if( result.indexOf( current ) == -1 ) {
			result.push( current );
	return result;
Array.prototype.dups = function arrayPrototypeUniq() {
	var uniques = [];
	var result = [];
	for( var i = 0; i < this.length; ++i ) {
		var current = this[i];
		if( uniques.indexOf( current ) == -1 ) {
			uniques.push( current );
		} else {
			result.push( current );
	return result;
Array.prototype.chunk = function arrayChunk( size ) {
	if( typeof( size ) != 'number' || size <= 0 ) { // pretty impossible to do anything :)
		return [ this ]; // we return an array consisting of this array.
	var result = [];
	var current;
	for(var i = 0; i < this.length; ++i ) {
		if( i % size == 0 ) { // when 'i' is 0, this is always true, so we start by creating one.
			current = [];
			result.push( current );
		current.push( this[i] );
    return result;
Unbinder = function unbinder( string ) {
	if( typeof( string ) != 'string' ) {
		throw "not a string";
	this.content = string;
	this.counter = 0;
	this.history = {};
	this.prefix = '%UNIQ::' + Math.random() + '::';
	this.postfix = '::UNIQ%';
Unbinder.prototype = {
  unbind: function UnbinderUnbind( prefix, postfix ) {
    var re = new RegExp( prefix + '(.*?)' + postfix, 'g' );
    this.content = this.content.replace( re, Unbinder.getCallback( this ) );
  rebind: function UnbinderRebind() {
    var content = this.content;
    content.self = this;
    for( var current in this.history )
      if( this.history.hasOwnProperty( current ) )
        content = content.replace( current, this.history[current] );
    return content;
  prefix: null, // %UNIQ::0.5955981644938324::
  postfix: null, // ::UNIQ%
  content: null, // string
  counter: null, // 0++
  history: null // {}
Unbinder.getCallback = function UnbinderGetCallback(self) {
  return function UnbinderCallback( match , a , b ) {
    var current = self.prefix + self.counter + self.postfix;
    self.history[current] = match;
    return current;
function clone( obj, deep ) {
  var objectClone = new obj.constructor();
  for ( var property in obj )
    if ( !deep ) {
		objectClone[property] = obj[property];
    else if ( typeof obj[property] == 'object' ) {
		objectClone[property] = clone( obj[property], deep );
    else {
		objectClone[property] = obj[property];
  return objectClone;
namespaces	=	{
	'-2':	'Media',
	'-1':	'Special',
	'0'	:	'',
	'1'	:	'Talk',
	'2'	:	'User',
	'3'	:	'User_talk',
	'4'	:	'Project',
	'5'	:	'Project talk',
	'6'	:	'Image',
	'7'	:	'Image talk',
	'8'	:	'MediaWiki',
	'9'	:	'MediaWiki talk',
	'10':	'Template',
	'11':	'Template talk',
	'12':	'Help',
	'13':	'Help talk',
	'14':	'Category',
	'15':	'Category talk',
	'100':	'Portal',
	'101':	'Portal talk'
function ln( ns, title )	{
	var ns2ln = {
		'0'	:	'la',
		'1'	:	'lat',
		'2'	:	'lu',
		'3'	:	'lut',
		'4'	:	'lw',
		'5'	:	'lwt',
		'6'	:	'li',
		'7'	:	'lit',
		'8'	:	'lm',
		'9'	:	'lmt',
		'10':	'lt',
		'11':	'ltt',
		'12':	'lh',
		'13':	'lht',
		'14':	'lc',
		'15':	'lct',
		'100':	'lp',
		'101':	'lpt'
	return "\{\{" + ns2ln[ns] + "|" + title + "\}\}";
Namespace = {
	MAIN:           0,
	TALK:           1,
	USER:           2,
	USER_TALK:      3,
	PROJECT:        4,
	IMAGE:          6,
	IMAGE_TALK:     7,
	MEDIAWIKI:      8,
	TEMPLATE:       10,
	HELP:           12,
	HELP_TALK:      13,
	CATEGORY:       14,
	PORTAL:         100,
	PORTAL_TALK:    101,
	MEDIA:          -2,
	SPECIAL:        -1
// Helper functions to change case of a string
String.prototype.toUpperCaseFirstChar = function() {
	return this.substr( 0, 1 ).toUpperCase() + this.substr( 1 );
String.prototype.toLowerCaseFirstChar = function() {
	return this.substr( 0, 1 ).toLowerCase() + this.substr( 1 );
String.prototype.toUpperCaseEachWord = function( delim ) {
	delim = delim ? delim : ' ';
	return this.split( delim ).map( function(v) { return v.toUpperCaseFirstChar() } ).join( delim );
String.prototype.toLowerCaseEachWord = function( delim ) {
	delim = delim ? delim : ' ';
	return this.split( delim ).map( function(v) { return v.toLowerCaseFirstChar() } ).join( delim );
* Helper functions to get the month as a string instead of a number
Date.monthNames = [
Date.monthNamesAbbrev = [
Date.prototype.getMonthName = function() {
	return Date.monthNames[ this.getMonth() ];
Date.prototype.getMonthNameAbbrev = function() {
	return Date.monthNamesAbbrev[ this.getMonth() ];
Date.prototype.getUTCMonthName = function() {
	return Date.monthNames[ this.getUTCMonth() ];
Date.prototype.getUTCMonthNameAbbrev = function() {
	return Date.monthNamesAbbrev[ this.getUTCMonth() ];
// Accessor functions for wikiediting and api-access
Wikipedia = {};
// we dump all XHR here so they won't loose props
Wikipedia.dump = [];
Wikipedia.numberOfActionsLeft = 0;
Wikipedia.nbrOfCheckpointsLeft = 0;
Wikipedia.actionCompleted = function( self ) {
	if( --Wikipedia.numberOfActionsLeft <= 0 && Wikipedia.nbrOfCheckpointsLeft <= 0 ) {
		Wikipedia.actionCompleted.event( self );
// Change per action wanted
Wikipedia.actionCompleted.event = function() {
	new Status( Wikipedia.actionCompleted.notice, Wikipedia.actionCompleted.postfix, 'info' );
	if( Wikipedia.actionCompleted.redirect != null ) {
		// if it isn't an url, make it an relative to self (probably this is the case)
		if( !/^\w+\:\/\//.test( Wikipedia.actionCompleted.redirect ) ) {
			Wikipedia.actionCompleted.redirect = wgServer + wgArticlePath.replace( '$1', encodeURIComponent( Wikipedia.actionCompleted.redirect ).replace( /\%2F/g, '/' ) );
		window.setTimeout( function() { window.location = Wikipedia.actionCompleted.redirect } , Wikipedia.actionCompleted.timeOut );
wpActionCompletedTimeOut = typeof(wpActionCompletedTimeOut) == 'undefined'  ? 5000 : wpActionCompletedTimeOut;
wpMaxLag = typeof(wpMaxLag) == 'undefined' ? 10 : wpMaxLag; // Maximum lag allowed, 5-10 is a good value, the higher value, the more agressive.
Wikipedia.editCount = 10;
Wikipedia.actionCompleted.timeOut = wpActionCompletedTimeOut;
Wikipedia.actionCompleted.redirect = null;
Wikipedia.actionCompleted.notice = 'Action';
Wikipedia.actionCompleted.postfix = 'completed';
Wikipedia.addCheckpoint = function() {
Wikipedia.removeCheckpoint = function() {
	if( --Wikipedia.nbrOfCheckpointsLeft <= 0 && Wikipedia.numberOfActionsLeft <= 0 ) {
 currentAction: text, the current action (required)
 query: Object, the query (required)
 oninit: function, the function to call when page gotten (required)
Wikipedia.api = function( currentAction, query, oninit, statelem ) {
	this.currentAction = currentAction;
	this.query = query;
	this.query['format'] = 'xml'; //LET THE FORCE BE WITH YOU!!!
	this.oninit = oninit;
	if( statelem ) {
		statelem.status( currentAction )
	} else {
		this.statelem = new Status( currentAction );
Wikipedia.api.prototype = {
	currentAction: '',
	oninit: null,
	query: null,
	responseXML: null,
	statelem:  null,
	counter: 0,
	post: function() {
		var xmlhttp = sajax_init_object();
		Wikipedia.dump.push( xmlhttp );
		xmlhttp.obj = this;
		xmlhttp.overrideMimeType('text/xml'); 'POST' , wgServer + wgScriptPath + '/api.php', true);
		xmlhttp.onerror = function() {
			var self = this.obj;
			self.statelem.error( "Error " + + " occurred while quering the api." );
		xmlhttp.onload = function() {
			this.obj.responseXML = this.responseXML;
			this.obj.oninit( this.obj );
		xmlhttp.send( QueryString.create( this.query ) );
 currentAction: text, the current action (required)
 query: Object, the query (required)
 oninit: function, the function to call when page gotten (required)
 onsuccess: function, a function to call when post succeeded
 onerror: function, a function to call when we abort failed posts
 onretry: function, a function to call when we try to retry a post
 */ = function( currentAction, query, oninit, onsuccess, onerror, onretry ) {
	this.currentAction = currentAction;
	this.query = query;
	this.oninit = oninit;
	this.onsuccess = onsuccess;
	this.onerror = onerror;
	this.onretry = onretry;
	this.statelem = new Status( currentAction );
} = {
	currentAction: '',
	onsuccess: null,
	onerror: null,
	onretry: null,
	oninit: null,
	query: null,
	postData: null,
	responseXML: null,
	statelem: null,
	counter: 0,
	post: function( data ) {
		this.postData = data;
		if( Wikipedia.editCount <= 0 ) {
			this.query['maxlag'] = wpMaxLag; // are we a bot?
		} else {
		var xmlhttp = sajax_init_object();
		Wikipedia.dump.push( xmlhttp );
		xmlhttp.obj = this;
		xmlhttp.overrideMimeType('text/xml'); 'POST' , wgServer + wgScriptPath + '/index.php?' + QueryString.create( this.query ), true);
		xmlhttp.onerror = function(e) {
			var self = this.obj;
			self.statelem.error( "Error " + + " occurred while posting the document." );
		xmlhttp.onload = function(e) {
			var self = this.obj;
			var status =;
			if( status != 200 ) {
				if( status == 503 ) {
					var retry = 'Retry-After' );
					var lag = 'X-Database-Lag' );
					if( lag ) {
						self.statelem.warn( "current lag of " + lag + " seconds is more than our defined maximum lag of " + wpMaxLag + " seconds, will retry in " + retry + " seconds" );
						window.setTimeout( function( self ) { self.postData ); }, retry * 1000, self );
					} else {
						self.statelem.error( "Error " + status + " occurred while posting the document." );
			var xmlDoc;
			xmlDoc = self.responseXML = this.responseXML;
			var xpathExpr =  'boolean(//div[@class=\'previewnote\']/p/strong[contains(.,\'Sorry! We could not process your edit due to a loss of session data\')])';
			var nosession = xmlDoc.evaluate( xpathExpr, xmlDoc, null, XPathResult.BOOLEAN_TYPE, null ).booleanValue;
			if( nosession ) {
				// Grabbing the shipping token, and repost
				var new_token = xmlDoc.evaluate( '//input[@name="wfEditToken"]/@value', xmlDoc, null, XPathResult.STRING_TYPE, null ).stringValue;
				self.postData['wfEditToken'] = new_token; self.postData );
			} else {
				if( self.onsuccess ) {
					self.onsuccess( self );
				} else {
					var link = document.createElement( 'a' );
					link.setAttribute( 'href', wgArticlePath.replace( '$1', self.query['title'] ) );
					link.setAttribute( 'title', self.query['title'] );
					link.appendChild( document.createTextNode( self.query['title'] ) ); [ 'completed (' , link , ')' ] );
		xmlhttp.send( QueryString.create( this.postData ) );
	get: function() {
		this.onloading( this );
		var redirect_query = {
			'action': 'query',
			'titles': this.query['title'],
			'redirects': ''
		var wikipedia_api = new Wikipedia.api( "resolving eventual redirect", redirect_query, this.postget, this.statelem );
		wikipedia_api.parent = this;;
	postget: function() {
		var xmlDoc = self.responseXML = this.responseXML;
		var to = xmlDoc.evaluate( '//redirects/r/@to', xmlDoc, null, XPathResult.STRING_TYPE, null ).stringValue;
		if( !this.followRedirect ) {'ignoring eventual redirect');
		} else if( to ) {
			this.parent.query['title'] = to;
		this.parent.onloading( this );
		var xmlhttp = sajax_init_object();
		Wikipedia.dump.push( xmlhttp );
		xmlhttp.obj = this.parent;
		xmlhttp.overrideMimeType('text/xml'); 'GET' , wgServer + wgScriptPath + '/index.php?' + QueryString.create( this.parent.query ), true);
		xmlhttp.onerror = function() {
			var self = this.obj;
			self.statelem.error( "Error " + this.status + " occurred while receiving the document." );
		xmlhttp.onload = function() { 
			this.obj.onloaded( this.obj );
			this.obj.responseXML = this.responseXML;
			this.obj.responseText = this.responseText;
			this.obj.oninit( this.obj ); 
		xmlhttp.send( null );
	onloading: function() {
		this.statelem.status( 'loading data...' );
	onloaded: function() {
		this.statelem.status( 'data loaded...' );
Number.prototype.zeroFill = function( length ) {
	var str = this.toFixed();
	if( !length ) { return str; }
	while( str.length < length ) { str = '0' + str; }
	return str;
Mediawiki = {};
Mediawiki.Template = {
	parse: function( text, start ) {
		var count = -1;
		var level = -1;
		var equals = -1;
		var current = '';
		var result = {
			name: '',
			parameters: {}
		for( var i = start; i < text.length; ++i ) {
			var test3 = text.substr( i, 3 );
			if( test3 == '\{\{\{' ) {
				current += '\{\{\{';
				i += 2;
			if( test3 == '\}\}\}' ) {
				current += '\}\}\}';
				i += 2;
			var test2 = text.substr( i, 2 );
			if( test2 == '\{\{' ) {
				current += '\{\{';
			if( test2 == '\}\}' ) {
				current += '\}\}';
				if( level <= 0 ) {
					if( count == -1 ) { = current.substring(2).trim();
					} else {
						if( equals != -1 ) {
							var key = current.substring( 0, equals ).trim();
							var value = current.substring( equals ).trim();
							result.parameters[key] = value;
							equals = -1;
						} else {
							result.parameters[count] = current;
			if( text.charAt(i) == '|' && level <= 0 ) {
				if( count == -1 ) { = current.substring(2).trim();
				} else {
					if( equals != -1 ) {
						var key = current.substring( 0, equals ).trim();
						var value = current.substring( equals + 1 ).trim();
						result.parameters[key] = value;
						equals = -1;
					} else {
						result.parameters[count] = current;
				current = '';
			} else if( equals == -1 && text.charAt(i) == '=' && level <= 0 ) {
				equals = current.length;
				current += text.charAt(i);
			} else {
				current += text.charAt(i);
		return result;
Mediawiki.Page = function mediawikiPage( text ) {
	this.text = text;
Mediawiki.Page.prototype = {
	text: '',
	removeLink: function( link_target ) {
		var first_char = link_target.substr( 0, 1 );
		var link_re_string = "[" + first_char.toUpperCase() + first_char.toLowerCase() + ']' +  RegExp.escape( link_target.substr( 1 ), true );
		var link_simple_re = new RegExp( "\\[\\[(" + link_re_string + ")\\|?\\]\\]", 'g' );
		var link_named_re = new RegExp( "\\[\\[" + link_re_string + "\\|(.+?)\\]\\]", 'g' );
		if( link_simple_re.test(this.text) ) {
			this.text = this.text.replace( link_simple_re, "$1" );
		} else {
			this.text = this.text.replace( link_named_re, "$1" );
	commentOutImage: function( image, reason ) {
		var unbinder = new Unbinder( this.text );
		unbinder.unbind( '<!--', '-->' );
		reason = reason ? ' ' + reason + ': ' : '';
		var first_char = image.substr( 0, 1 );
		var image_re_string = "[" + first_char.toUpperCase() + first_char.toLowerCase() + ']' +  RegExp.escape( image.substr( 1 ), true ); 
		 * Check for normal image links, i.e. [[Image:Foobar.png|...]]
		 * Will eat the whole link
		var links_re = new RegExp( "\\[\\[[Ii]mage:\\s*" + image_re_string );
		var allLinks = unbinder.content.splitWeightedByKeys( '[[', ']]' ).uniq();
		for( var i = 0; i < allLinks.length; ++i ) {
			if( links_re.test( allLinks[i] ) ) {
				var replacement = '<!-- ' + reason + allLinks[i] + ' -->';
				unbinder.content = unbinder.content.replace( allLinks[i], replacement, 'g' );
		// unbind the newly created comments
		unbinder.unbind( '<!--', '-->' );
		 * Check for gallery images, i.e. instances that must start on a new line, eventually preceded with some space, and must include Image: prefix
		 * Will eat the whole line.
		var gallery_image_re = new RegExp( "(^\\s*[Ii]mage:\\s*" + image_re_string + ".*?$)", 'mg' );
		unbinder.content.replace( gallery_image_re, "<!-- " + reason + "$1 -->" );
		// unbind the newly created comments
		unbinder.unbind( '<!--', '-->' );
		 * Check free image usages, for example as template arguments, might have the Image: prefix excluded, but must be preceeded by an |
		 * Will only eat the image name and the preceeding bar and an eventual named parameter
		var free_image_re = new RegExp( "(\\|\\s*(?:[\\w\\s]+\\=)?\\s*(?:[Ii]mage:\\s*)?" + image_re_string + ")", 'mg' );
		unbinder.content.replace( free_image_re, "<!-- " + reason + "$1 -->" );
		// Rebind the content now, we are done!
		this.text = unbinder.rebind();
	addToImageComment: function( image, data ) {
		var first_char = image.substr( 0, 1 );
		var image_re_string = "[Ii]mage:\\s*[" + first_char.toUpperCase() + first_char.toLowerCase() + ']' +  RegExp.escape( image.substr( 1 ), true ); 
		var links_re = new RegExp( "\\[\\[" + image_re_string );
		var allLinks = this.text.splitWeightedByKeys( '[[', ']]' ).uniq();
		for( var i = 0; i < allLinks.length; ++i ) {
			if( links_re.test( allLinks[i] ) ) {
				var replacement = allLinks[i];
				// just put it at the end?
				replacement = replacement.replace( /\]\]$/, '|' + data + ']]' );
				this.text = this.text.replace( allLinks[i], replacement, 'g' );
		var gallery_re = new RegExp( "^(\\s*" + image_re_string + '.*?)\\|?(.*?)$', 'mg' );
		var replacement = "$1|$2 " + data;
		this.text = this.text.replace( gallery_re, replacement );
	removeTemplate: function( template ) {
		var first_char = template.substr( 0, 1 );
		var template_re_string = "(?:[Tt]emplate:)?\\s*[" + first_char.toUpperCase() + first_char.toLowerCase() + ']' +  RegExp.escape( template.substr( 1 ), true ); 
		var links_re = new RegExp( "\\\{\\\{" + template_re_string );
		var allTemplates = this.text.splitWeightedByKeys( '{{', '}}', [ '{{{', '}}}' ] ).uniq();
		for( var i = 0; i < allTemplates.length; ++i ) {
			if( links_re.test( allTemplates[i] ) ) {
				this.text = this.text.replace( allTemplates[i], '', 'g' );
	getText: function() {
		return this.text;
// Simple helper functions to see what groups a user might belong
function userIsInGroup( group ) {
	return ( wgUserGroups != null && wgUserGroups.indexOf( group ) != -1 ) || ( wgUserGroups == null && group == 'anon' );
function userIsAnon() {
	return wgUserGroups == null;
// AOL Proxy IP Addresses (2007-02-03)
var AOLNetworks = [
// AOL Client IP Addresses (2007-02-03)
var AOLClients = [
* ipadress is in the format and network is in the format
function isInNetwork( ipaddress, network ) {
	var iparr = ipaddress.split('.');
	var ip = (parseInt(iparr[0]) << 24) + (parseInt(iparr[1]) << 16) + (parseInt(iparr[2]) << 8) + (parseInt(iparr[3]));
	var netmask = 0xffffffff << network.split('/')[1];
	var netarr = network.split('/')[0].split('.');
	var net = (parseInt(netarr[0]) << 24) + (parseInt(netarr[1]) << 16) + (parseInt(netarr[2]) << 8) + (parseInt(netarr[3]));
	return (ip & netmask) == net;
/* Returns true if given string contains a valid IP-address, that is, from to*/
function isIPAddress( string ){
	var res = /(\d{1,4})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,4})/.exec( string );
	return res != null && res.slice( 1, 5 ).every( function( e ) { return e < 256; } );
* Maps the querystring to an object
* Functions:
* QueryString.exists(key)
*     returns true if the particular key is set
* QueryString.get(key)
*     returns the value associated to the key
* QueryString.equals(key, value)
*     returns true if the value associated with given key equals given value
* QueryString.toString()
*     returns the query string as a string
* QueryString.create( hash )
*     creates an querystring and encodes strings via encodeURIComponent and joins arrays with | 
* In static context, the value of, else the value given to the constructor is going to be used. The mapped hash is saved in the object.
* Example:
* var value = QueryString.get('key');
* var obj = new QueryString('foo=bar&baz=quux');
* value = obj.get('foo');
function QueryString(qString) {
	this.string = qString;
	this.params = {};
	if( qString.length == 0 ) {
	qString.replace(/\+/, ' ');
	var args = qString.split('&');
	for( var i = 0; i < args.length; ++i ) {
		var pair = args[i].split( '=' );
		var key = decodeURIComponent( pair[0] ), value = key;
		if( pair.length == 2 ) {
			value = decodeURIComponent( pair[1] );
		this.params[key] = value;
QueryString.static = null;
QueryString.staticInit = function() {
	if( QueryString.static == null ) {
		QueryString.static = new QueryString(;
QueryString.get = function(key) {
	return QueryString.static.get(key);
QueryString.prototype.get = function(key) {
	return this.params[key] ? this.params[key] : null;
QueryString.exists = function(key) {
	return QueryString.static.exists(key);
QueryString.prototype.exists = function(key) {
	return this.params[key] ? true : false;
QueryString.equals = function(key, value) {
	return QueryString.static.equals(key, value);
QueryString.prototype.equals = function(key, value) {
	return this.params[key] == value ? true : false;
QueryString.toString = function() {
	return QueryString.static.toString();
QueryString.prototype.toString = function() {
	return this.string ? this.string : null;
QueryString.create = function( arr ) {
	var resarr = Array();
	for( var i in arr ) {
		if( typeof arr[i] == 'undefined' ) {
		if( arr[i] instanceof Array ){
			var v =  Array();
			for(var j = 0; j < arr[i].length; ++j ) {
				v[j] = encodeURIComponent( arr[i][j] );
			resarr.push( encodeURIComponent( i ) + '=' +  v.join('|') );
		} else {
			resarr.push( encodeURIComponent( i ) + '=' + encodeURIComponent( arr[i] ) );
	return resarr.join('&');
QueryString.prototype.create = QueryString.create;
* Simple exception handling
Exception = function( message ) {
	this.message = message || ''; = "Exception";
Exception.prototype.what = function() {
	return this.message;
function Status( text, stat, type ) {
	this.text = this.codify(text);
	this.stat = this.codify(stat);
	this.type = type || 'status';
	if( stat ) {
Status.init = function( root ) {
	if( !( root instanceof Element ) ) {
		throw new Exception( 'object not an instance of Element' );
	while( root.hasChildNodes() ) {
		root.removeChild( root.firstChild );
	Status.root = root;
	var cssNode = document.createElement('style');
	cssNode.type = 'text/css';
	cssNode.rel = 'stylesheet';
	cssNode.appendChild( document.createTextNode("")); // Safari bugfix
	var styles = cssNode.sheet ? cssNode.sheet : cssNode.stylesSheet;
	styles.insertRule(".tw_status_status { color: SteelBlue; }", 0);
	styles.insertRule(".tw_status_info { color: ForestGreen; }", 0);
	styles.insertRule(".tw_status_warn { color: OrangeRed; }", 0);
	styles.insertRule(".tw_status_error { color: OrangeRed; font-weight: 900; }", 0);
Status.root = null;
Status.prototype = {
	stat: null,
	text: null,
	type: 'status',
	target: null,
	node: null,
	linked: false,
	link: function() {
		if( ! this.linked && Status.root ) {
			Status.root.appendChild( this.node );
			this.linked = true;
	unlink: function() {
		if( this.linked ) {
			Status.root.removeChild( this.node );
			this.linked = false;
	codify: function( obj ) {
		if ( ! ( obj instanceof Array ) ) {
			obj = [ obj ];
		var result;
		result = document.createDocumentFragment();
		for( var i = 0; i < obj.length; ++i ) {
			if( typeof obj[i] == 'string' ) {
				result.appendChild( document.createTextNode( obj[i] ) );
			} else if( obj[i] instanceof Element ) {
				result.appendChild( obj[i] );
			} // Else cosmic radiation made something shit
		return result;
	update: function( status, type ) {
		this.stat = this.codify( status );
		if( type ) {
			this.type = type;
	generate: function() {
		this.node = document.createElement( 'div' );
		this.node.appendChild( document.createElement('span') ).appendChild( this.text );
		this.node.appendChild( document.createElement('span') ).appendChild( document.createTextNode( ': ' ) ); = this.node.appendChild( document.createElement( 'span' ) );  document.createTextNode( '' ) ); // dummy node
	render: function() {
		this.node.className = 'tw_status_' + this.type;
		while( ) { );
		} this.stat );;
	status: function( status ) {
		this.update( status, 'status');
	info: function( status ) {
		this.update( status, 'info');
	warn: function( status ) {
		this.update( status, 'warn');
	error: function( status ) {
		this.update( status, 'error');
Status.status = function( text, status ) {
	return new Status( text, status, 'status' );
} = function( text, status ) {
	return new Status( text, status, 'info' );
Status.warn = function( text, status ) {
	return new Status( text, status, 'error' );
Status.error = function( text, status ) {
	return new Status( text, status, 'error' );
// Simple helper function to create a simple node
function htmlNode( type, content, color ) {
	var node = document.createElement( type );
	if( color ) { = color;
	node.appendChild( document.createTextNode( content ) );
	return node;
// A simple dragable window
function SimpleWindow( width, height ) {
	var stylesheet = document.createElement('style');
	stylesheet.type = 'text/css';
	stylesheet.rel = 'stylesheet';
	stylesheet.appendChild( document.createTextNode("") ); // Safari bugfix
	var styles = stylesheet.sheet ? stylesheet.sheet : stylesheet.styleSheet;
		".simplewindow { "+
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		".simplewindow .content { "+
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		".simplewindow .resizebuttonhorizontal { "+
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		".simplewindow .resizebuttonvertical { "+
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		".simplewindow .closebutton {"+
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			"top: 1px; "+
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		".simplewindow .topbar { "+
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			"text-align: center; "+
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			"height: 20px; "+
			"cursor: move; "+
	this.width = width;
	this.height = height;
	var frame = document.createElement( 'div' );
	var content = document.createElement( 'div' );
	var topbar = document.createElement( 'div' );
	var title = document.createElement( 'span' );
	var closeButton = document.createElement( 'span' );
	var resizeButton2 = document.createElement( 'div' );
	var resizeButton1 = document.createElement( 'div' );
	this.frame = frame;
	this.title = title;
	this.content = content;
	frame.className = 'simplewindow';
	content.className = 'content';
	topbar.className = 'topbar';
	resizeButton1.className = 'resizebuttonvertical';
	resizeButton2.className = 'resizebuttonhorizontal';
	closeButton.className = 'closebutton';
	title.className = 'title';
	topbar.appendChild( closeButton );
	topbar.appendChild( title );
	frame.appendChild( topbar );
	frame.appendChild( content );
	frame.appendChild( resizeButton1 );
	frame.appendChild( resizeButton2 ); = width + 'px'; = height + 'px'; = parseInt( window.innerHeight - this.height  )/2 + 'px' ; = parseInt( window.innerWidth - this.width  )/2 + 'px';
	var img = document.createElement( 'img' );
	img.src = "";
	closeButton.appendChild( img );
	var self = this;
	// Specific events
	frame.addEventListener( 'mousedown', function(event) { self.focus(event); }, false );
	closeButton.addEventListener( 'click', function(event) {self.close(event); }, false );
	topbar.addEventListener( 'mousedown', function(event) {self.initMove(event); }, false );
	resizeButton1.addEventListener( 'mousedown', function(event) {self.initResize(event); }, false );
	resizeButton2.addEventListener( 'mousedown', function(event) {self.initResize(event); }, false );
	// Generic events
	window.addEventListener( 'mouseover', function(event) {self.handleEvent(event); }, false );
	window.addEventListener( 'mousemove', function(event) {self.handleEvent(event); }, false );
	window.addEventListener( 'mouseup', function(event) {self.handleEvent(event); }, false );
    this.currentState = this.initialState;    
SimpleWindow.prototype = {
	focusLayer: 100,
	width: 800,
	height: 600,
    initialState: "Inactive",
	currentState: null, // current state of finite state machine (one of 'actionTransitionFunctions' properties)
	focus: function(event) { = ++this.focusLayer;
	close: function(event) {
		document.body.removeChild( this.frame );
	initMove: function(event) {
		this.initialX = parseInt( event.clientX - this.frame.offsetLeft );
		this.initialY = parseInt( event.clientY - this.frame.offsetTop ); = '0.5';
		this.currentState = 'Move';
	initResize: function(event) {
		event.preventDefault(); = '0.5';
		this.currentState = 'Resize';
	handleEvent: function(event) { 
		var actionTransitionFunction = this.actionTransitionFunctions[this.currentState][event.type];
		if( !actionTransitionFunction ) {
			actionTransitionFunction = this.unexpectedEvent;
		var nextState =, event);
		if( !nextState ){
			nextState = this.currentState;
        if( !this.actionTransitionFunctions[nextState] ){
			nextState = this.undefinedState(event, nextState);
        this.currentState = nextState;
    unexpectedEvent: function(event) { 
		throw ("Handled unexpected event '" + event.type + "' in state '" + this.currentState);
        return this.initialState; 
    undefinedState: function(event, state) {
        throw ("Transitioned to undefined state '" + state + "' from state '" + this.currentState + "' due to event '" + event.type);
        return this.initialState; 
	actionTransitionFunctions: { 
        Inactive: {
            mouseover: function(event) { 
                return this.currentState;
            mousemove: function(event) { 
                return this.currentState;
            mouseup: function(event) { 
                return this.currentState;
        Move: {
            mouseover: function(event) { 
				this.moveWindow( event.clientX,  event.clientY );
                return this.currentState;
            mousemove: function(event) { 
				return this.doActionTransition("Move", "mouseover", event);
            mouseup: function(event) { = '1';
                return 'Inactive';
		Resize: {
			mouseover: function(event) { 
				this.resizeWindow( event.clientX,  event.clientY );
				return this.currentState;
			mousemove: function(event) { 
				return this.doActionTransition("Resize", "mouseover", event);
			mouseup: function(event) { = '1';
				return 'Inactive';
	doActionTransition: function(anotherState, anotherEventType, event) {
         return this.actionTransitionFunctions[anotherState][anotherEventType].call(this,event);
	display: function() {
		document.body.appendChild( this.frame );
	setTitle: function( title ) {
		this.title.textContent = title;
	setWidth: function( width ) { = width;
	setHeight: function( height ) { = height;
	setContent: function( content ) {
		this.addContent( content );
	addContent: function( content ) {
		this.content.appendChild( content );
	purgeContent: function( content ) {
		while( this.content.hasChildNodes() ) {
			this.content.removeChild( this.content.firstChild );
	moveWindow: function( x, y ) { = x - this.initialX + 'px';  = y - this.initialY + 'px';
	resizeWindow: function( x, y ) {  = Math.max( parseInt( y - this.frame.offsetTop ), 200 ) + 'px'; = Math.max( parseInt( x -  this.frame.offsetLeft ), 200 ) + 'px';