Ayman Zohry

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Ayman Zohry (Ph.D., University of Sussex 2002) is a demographer and expert on migration studies based in Cairo, Egypt. He was born in Souhag, Egypt in 1964. He is a leading researcher in the field of migration studies in Egypt with a special focus on illegal migration.

Dr. Zohry has about 20 years of experience in the field of population studies and migration research. he started his career working as a junior demographer at the National Population Council (Egypt) from 1987 till joining the Cairo Demographic Center in 1992 to study for two diplomas in demography and population and development, then a Master of Philosophy in Demography in 1995 with specialization in family planning programs and population policies. While studying at CDC he worked as a lecturer assistant, lecturer, and trainer. He was also a lecturer in the UN-sponsored Population and Development Program also. He carried out a lot of studies in his field of specialization and he used an array of Demographic and Health Surveys for countries of African and Asia. He moved then to work in a UNFPA-funded project in the field of strengthening NGOs working in the field of population. In 1997 he joined the US Naval Medical Research Unit in Cairo (NAMRU-3), Egypt as a data Analyst working in the field of medical demography and infant and child diseases. In 1999 he joined a project implemented by the Academy for Educational Development (AED), a USA organization and he used to work as the director of Monitoring and Evaluation division.

In the last few years he worked as a visiting professor at the American University of Beirut (AUB), the American University in Cairo (AUB), and The Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS). In addition, he carried out consulting work in the fields of demography, education, labor force, and migration for the International Organization for Migration (IOM), The World Bank, The League of Arab States, UN-ESCWA, The European Union, The Academy for Educational Development, The United States Agency of International Development (USAID), and many other national, regional, and International Organizations. Nowadays, Dr. Zohry's work focuses on migration with special emphassies on illegal migration of Egyptian youth to Europe . Most of Dr. Zohry's published work is available for download at his website. His recent book "Insights into Egyptian Society" (in Arabic) was published in Cairo in 2006 .


[edit] Sample Publications

[edit] Research papers published in peer-reviewed journals

Zohry, A. (2007) "Egyptian Irregular Migration to Europe". Migration Letters. 4(1):53-63.

Habib, R.; Zohry, A.; Nuwayhid, I.; Najdi, F. (2006) "Older adults in the division of domestic labor in communities on the outskirts of Beirut," European Journal of Ageing. 3(3):137-145.

Zohry, A. (2006) "Immigration to Egypt". Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies. 4(3): 33-54.

Zohry, A. (2003) "The place of Egypt in the regional migration system as a receiving country." Revue Européenne des Migrations Internationales (REMI). 19(3):129-149.

Zohry, A. (2003) "Nutritional habits of unskilled rural laborers in Cairo". Nutritional Anthropology, 26: 19-22.

Warschauer,M.; El-Said, G.; Zohry, A. (2002) “Language Choice Online: Globalization and Identity in Egypt”. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication (JCMC). 7(4).

Khalifa MA; Abdel Moneim A; Zohry, A. G. (1994) “The Impact of Socioeconomic Setting and Program Effort on Contraceptive Prevalence in the Egyptian Governorates”. The Egyptian Population and Family Planning Review, 28(2):82-103.

Sakani O; Zohry AG, (1994) “Socioeconomic and Demographic Factors Affecting School Enrollment in Egypt”. The Egyptian Population and Family Planning Review, 28(2):116-138.

[edit] Working papers and chapters in research monographs

Zohry, A. (2006) “Egyptian Youth and the European Eldorado: Journeys of Hope and Despair”, Working Paper No. 18, Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS), Copenhagen.

Zohry, A. (2006) “Immigration to Egypt”, in Segal, U.A., Mayadas, N.S., & Elliott, D. (eds), Immigration Worldwide, Haworth Press, New York.

Zohry, A. (2005) "Migration Without Borders: North Africa as a reserve of cheap labour for Europe," Migration Without Borders Series, UNESCO, Paris.

Warschauer,M.; El-Said, G.; Zohry, A. “Language Choice Online: Globalization and Identity in Egypt”. In: Fred E. Jandt (editor): Intercultural Communication: A Global Reader. Sage Publications, ISBN: 0-7619-2899-5.

Zohry, A. G.; El-Said, G. R. “Arab Demographers’ Use of Computer and Internet Resources: Results of an Online Survey". Working Papers Series, No. 1, 2000. 20 pp. Egypt Population Research Center (egypop). Cairo, November 2000.

Zohry, A. G. "The plateau effect of the family planning program in Egypt". Cairo Demographic Center, Research Monograph Series No. 27, 1998.

Zohry, A. G. “Determinants of Contraceptive Switching Behavior in Egypt”. In: Makhlouf H; Amin SZ; Moreland RS, (eds.) Studies in Contraceptive Use in Egypt: Eight Studies of the 1992 Egypt Demographic and Health Survey, Cairo Demographic Center and Egypt National Population Council, January 1997. Re-Published in: Population Studies, Vol. 16 No. 81, PP 25-54, 1998.

Zohry, A. G. "Population policies and family planning program in Egypt: evolution and performance". Cairo Demographic Center, Research Monograph Series No. 26, 1997.

Zohry, A. G., “Reproductive Intentions and Future Fertility in Egypt”. Cairo Demographic Center, Research Monograph Series No. 25, PP. 255-68, 1996.

Zohry, A. G., “Attitudes of Egyptian Women Toward Female Circumcision in Egypt”. Cairo Demographic Center, Research Monograph Series No. 25, 1996.

Zohry, A. G., “Features of Contraceptive Switching Behavior in Egypt”. Cairo Demographic Center, Research Monograph Series No. 25, 1996.

Zohry, A. G. “Excess Births Due to Unwanted Fertility in Egypt”. Cairo Demographic Center, Research Monograph Series No. 24, 1995.

Bahobaishi N; Zohry, A. G. “Fertility in Yemen: An Analysis of the Proximate Determinants”. Cairo Demographic Center, Research Monograph Series No. 24, 1995.

Zohry, A. G.; Bean, Lee L. "Infant Mortality and Health Care in the Gulf Region". Cairo Demographic Center, Research Monograph Series No. 24, 1995. Bean, Lee L.; Zohry, A. G. "Marriage and fertility in the Gulf region: the impact of pro-family, pro-natal policies" CDC Working Paper, No. 36, 1994. 37 pp. Cairo Demographic Center: Cairo. Zohry, A. G. “Determinants of Fertility in Egypt: A Supply Demand Approach”. Cairo Demographic Center, Research Monograph Series No. 23, 1994.

Zohry, A. G. “Labor Force Profile in Rural Upper Egypt versus Rural Lower Egypt”. Cairo Demographic Center, Research Monograph Series No. 22, 1993.

[edit] Books, handbooks, and reports (Partial List)

Zohry, A. (2007) The Danish Experience, [Attajrouba Addanmarkiya] Cairo (in Arabic)

Zohry, A. (2006) Insights into Egyptian Society, [Daftar Ahwāl Almogtama’ Al-Masri] Cairo (in Arabic)

Zohry, A. (2006) Attitudes of Egyptian Youth Towards Migration to Europe 2006. International Organization for Migration (IOM), Italia Cooperation and Ministry of Manpower and Emigration, Cairo.

Zohry, A. (2005) Assessment of Data Quality of the Arab Family Health Surveys. Pan Arab Project for Family Health (PAPFAM), League of Arab States, Cairo.

Zohry, A. (2004) "Interrelationships between internal and international migration in Egypt: a pilot study," Research Reports Series, Development Research Center on Migration, Globalization, and Poverty, University of Sussex.

Zohry, A. and Harrell-Bond, B. (2003) "Contemporary Egyptian migration: an overview of voluntary and forced migration". Country Background Papers (WP-C3), Development Research Center on Migration, Globalization, and Poverty, University of Sussex.

Zohry, A. (2003) Contemporary Egyptian Migration 2003. International Organization for Migration (IOM), Italia Cooperation and Ministry of Manpower and Emigration, Cairo.

Melnyk, A; Zohry, A; El-Said, G; Burch, R. (2003) Monitoring and Evaluation Handbook: Assuring Quality in Strategic Training Programs. Academy for Educational Development (AED).

Hassan SS; Zohry, A. G. (1994) The Annual Statistical Report on the Status of Arab Child, 1994. The Arab Council for Childhood and Development, Cairo, 1995. (In Arabic)

[edit] Conference presentations (Partial List)

Zohry, A. (2007) Integrating Population Variables into Development Planning in the Arab Region, Expert Group Meeting on "Integrating Population Variables into Development Planning in the Arab Region," The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia, Amman, Jordan, 3-4 April 2007.

Zohry, A. Egyptian Irregular Migration to Europe, The Third International Population Geographies Conference, European Association for Population Studies (EAPS), University of Liverpool, Liverpool, June 21-24, 2006.

Zohry, A. Who Migrates Internally, Internationally, & Who Stays Behind in Egypt?, European Population Conference 2006, , University of Liverpool, Liverpool, June 19-21, 2006.

Zohry, A. Developmentalizing the Diaspora : African Refugees in Cairo, Fourth International Workshop on Diaspora, Development and Conflict: The Impacts of Transnational Activities, Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS), Bornholm, May 7-9, 2006.

Zohry, A. Migration and the Left-Behind Families: Findings from Rural Egypt, Seminar on “Gendering Migration in the Middle East: Migrants’ Presence and Absence,” Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS), Copenhagen, May 4, 2006.

Awad, A. & Zohry, A. The End of Egypt Population Growth in the 21st Century: Challenges and Aspirations, The 35th Annual Conference on Population and Development Issues: Current Situation & Aspirations, Cairo Demographic Center, Cairo 20 - 22 December 2005.

Zohry, A. Cairo: A transit city for migrants and African Refugees, Colloque: Circulations migratoires et reconfigurations territoriales entre l’Afrique noire et l’Afrique du Nord, CEDEJ, Cairo 17-18 November 2005 (invited).

Zohry, A. Computer-Mediated Communications as Tools for Professional Development: Demographers Without Borders as a Case Study, The 3rd Conference of Documentation and Electronic Archiving: Knowledge Investment and Management for Decision Support, United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and Dubai Municipality, Dubai 17-19 September 2005.

Zohry, A. Armenians in Egypt, The 25th International Population Conference, The International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP), Tours, France, 18-23 July 2005.

Zohry, A. Integrating Population Variables in Development Planning, a keynote speech, National Conference on Population and Development, National Agency for Information and Documentation, Center for Economic Research, and The Academy for Graduate Studies, Tripoli, 21-22 November, 2004 (invited).

Zohry, A. Demographic Pressures in North Africa: causes and Consequences, The Euro-African Dialogue: Security Co-operation in Europe & North Africa, Royal United Service Institute for Defense Studies (London), 30-31 October 2002, Tripoli, Libya (invited). PPT

Zohry, A. Unskilled Labor Migration from Upper Egypt to Cairo, Centre d'Etudes et de Documentation Economiques, Juridiques et Sociales (CEDEJ), 22 October 2002, Cairo (invited). PPT

Warschauer, M.; Zohry, A.; Refaat, G. Language and literacy online: A study of Egyptian internet users, The American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Conference, March 11-14, 2000, Vancouver, British Columbia.

Zohry, A. G.; Hosam-el-Din, T. M. The Socioeconomic and Demographic Correlates of Female Circumcision in the Sudan. Paper presented in the 27th Annual Seminar on Population and Development, Cairo Demographic Center. Cairo 16-18 December 1997.

Zohry, A. G. Reliability of Data on Fertility Intentions in Egypt. Paper presented in the 32nd Annual Conference on Statistics, Computer Sciences, and Operations Research, Institute of Statistical Studies and Research (ISSR), Cairo University. Cairo 13-15 December 1997.

Zohry, A. G.; Gad AY, Demographic Profile of Gharbia and Souhag Governorates: An Intra-Governorate Analysis with GIS, Cairo Demographic Center, Paper presented in the 25th CDC Annual Seminar on Population and Development, December, 1995.

[edit] Newspaper Articles

Zohry, A. “Beyond the Maids' crisis: Towards a National Migration Policy", The Daily Star Egypt, distributed with the International Herald Tribune, 12-06-2007, Cairo.

Zohry, A. “The Returnees from Libya", Al-Wafd Newspaper, 14-03-2007, issue no. 6252, Cairo. (in Arabic)

Zohry, A. “The Crisis of Egyptian Labor Migrants in Libya", Al-Ahaly Newspaper, 14-02-2007, issue no. 1314, Cairo. (in Arabic)

Zohry, A. "Sheikh Zaki Badawi .. The end of the moderate voice of Islam in Europe", Al-Masry Al-Youm Newspaper, 12-02-2006, issue no. 609, Cairo. (in Arabic)

Zohry, A. “Egypt, refuge, and refugees”, Al-Wafd Newspaper, 03-02-2006, Cairo Zohry, A. "Yes, Egypt witnesses an overpopulation problem", Assafir Newspaper, 26-06-2004, issue no. 9828, Beirut. (in Arabic)

Zohry, A. "From Upper Egypt to international Academy", Alhayat Newspaper, 18-03-2003, issue no. 14603, London. (Biography)

Zohry, A. “Announcing Cairo as a closed City", Al-Ahram Newspaper, 15-09-2002, issue no. 42286, Cairo.(in Arabic)

[edit] Sources and References

Contemporary African Database

Alhayat News Paper 18 March 2003

Who's Who in the World, 2006, Marquis, Wilmette, Illinois.