User:Ayeesah Muhammad

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Upon Allah's Coming in Person to North America and raising for the Blackman, woman and child, a dispensation period of now fulfilling the prophetic-judgments was unleashed on the world. Those on whom Allah and His Scientists had chosen long. long ago at the foundation of forming this transitory world of 6,000 years would rise to their calling by way of Allah's last and greatest Messenger, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad (pbuh). ______________________________________________________________________________ This is a true account of a brother walking faithfully through the messianic prophecies incognito seeking no esteem from men, and rejected for his supreme confidence in his spiritual Father - Almighty Allah Who Appeared in the Personage of MASTER FARD MUHAMMAD, and in loving memory of his spiritual Mother Messenger of Allah - the Honorable Elijah Muhammad (p.b.u.h.). His commissioned name is Omar Al-Tariq. A humble man, a man who has made his place with the lower and higher class of society seeking to redeem the redeemable. _______________________________________________________________________________ A prince-messiah was inspired in 1992 to obtain a D.B.A. and start an origanization called "M.F.O.I." it was in that year he recruited one brother with him who faithfully assisted him. The prince-messiah named said originization "M.F.O.I." - meaning MENTAL FREEDOM OBTAIN INDEPENDENCE his plan was to gradually introduce a plan that would lead to his incarceration (civil death) by commission of an offense which would breach the law of the land (America), yet would not constitute a [divine sin]. (Luke 22:36-37 / Daniel 9:26 / Isaiah 53:12) Allah's divine commission of him was to penetrate the Federal Bureau System (B.O.P.) in alignment with the scriptures. In 1994 he was escorted to Headquarters by one of his bodyguards to have a one on one with his Divine Teacher, the Hon. Silis Muhammad at which time knowledge and Wisdom were imparted to him,later understanding came.

On return he set his eyes on another as his spokesman to put the message imparted to him out for the public's edification. The second one came along in 1997, his name Quanell X. Because it was determined that Quanell X loved the media's attention he was the one chosen for the post.

Once Quanell X joined the "M.F.O.I." after being expelled from the Nation of Islam, he immediately sought refuge in the "M.F.O.I." and media attention. Quanell X called General Omar Al-Tariq and informed him of an upcoming News Conference, and during the course of their discussion Quanell X informed the General that he had told the media that he started the "M.F.O.I" -and asked for the go ahead to do so - the General paused for a moment and permitted Quanell X to write his own history (Book / Holy Quran 69:25) it was to the dismay of the General. The "M.F.O.I." practiced speaking truth and Quanell X's mentally expressed a disease (lying).

The General gave Quanell X authority to function as he saw best while the General took the humble observation position. Quanell X would later say things publicly which was deemed "out of time". The "M.F.O.I." plan was to begin with the meaning of the acronyms of MENTAL FREEDOM OBTAINS INDEPEDENCE in a few years and then changed to MUHAMMAD FRUITS OF ISLAM to the year of the General's execution of his mission to the MILITARY FRUITS OF ISLAM unbeknowest to those deemed uninitiated.

The "M.F.O.I." was set upon a spiritual course and when Quanell X begin to seriously interfere with said plan a "die in his membership was put in place". Before said objective was reached, elders in the Black Community summon a meeting between the two yet to no avail, because the General refused to compromise with the living-dead on the truth of God, Self and the Devil. Hence the objective was accomplished. Quanell X asked the General to, as he put it "give me a coupled of months to roll up out of the name (MFOI)", and the General agreed.

Quanell X left with a bitter taste in his mouth, and according to those placed around him who followed him elsewhere for employment reasons and media participation, yet had a measure of faith in the General's integrity informed officers of the Gen. and the Gen. himself that said X-member was spreading rumors that the "M.F.O.I." was involved in criminal activities. All during the course of the "M.F.O.I." obtaining several offices and later a Command Station on the north side of Houston, Tx, which was one the agendas of the "M.F.O.I." before Mr. X's departure.

Quanell X drew the heat with his untimely words while standing in rank of the "M.F.O.I.", (according to federal grand jury transcripts), on the General and the "M.F.O.I." albeit the prince-messiah still loved brother and utilized him accordingly to his purpose. The F.B.I. Joint Terrorism Task Force consequently stepped up their political agenda spending money and time to target the General's home, businesses, cells, home phone,and family members interalias especially after Quanell X's departure.Thus, another of their informants was sent to inflitrate the ranks. The General warned all officers to watch said informant as a protection for them because most of them knew not the divine plan nor its esoteric agenda. They were still developing and time was needed to reveal them after the General's arrest, conviction and resurrection from civil death. Today is the appointed time that the scriptures can be opened up to their understanding.*Luke 24:25-27*