Avi Ben-Abraham

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Dr Avi Ben-Abraham is an American scientist and, according to Chicago Tribune, a shrewd pretender. Dr. Ben-Abraham was involved in research work in the fields of low temperature medicine, cryogenics, and human and stem cell cloning. Dr. Ben-Abraham is the founder and former chairman and chief executive officer of Biosante Pharmaceuticals Inc., (formerly Ben-Abraham Technologies inc.) -a publicly traded American biotechnology company, developing its proprietary calcium phosphate nanotechnology (CaP) for vaccine adjuvants and delivery technology for biodefense vaccines. The company signed a CRADA with the U.S. Army for the development of non-injected biodefense vaccines against anthrax, ricin and staph. The company which makes a component of the 'Merrill Lynch Nanotech Index'-NNZ, was also awarded a subcontract for the development of a non-injected anthrax vaccine for the U.S. Department of Defense. In 1999, endorsed by Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Dr. Ben-Abraham won the primaries for a top seat on the governing Likud party list of candidates for the Knesset, but was not elected as Likud and Netanyahu were defeated by Labor party leader, former Israeli Defense Forces chief of staff Lt. General Ehud Barak. Based on more than 100 interviews and hundreds of pages of documents obtained by the Chicago Tribune, little about Avi Ben-Abraham's life is as it appears. According to series of articles, published in by John Crewdson Chicago Tribune in July, 2001, the real story of Avi Ben-Abraham is one of an indifferent student, rejected by Israeli universities, who found his way to Italy and obtained a questionable medical degree at the age of 18, then used that rare distinction to build a globe-spanning network of relationships that included presidents, prime ministers, European royalty and Hong Kong billionaires.