
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This user lives in Maine.
SD This user is a contributor to Slashdot.
INTP This user has an INTP personality
per the Myers-Briggs typing system
ADHD This user has ADHD.
This user has an amateur radio license.
Perl This user is a Perl hacker.
Java-2 This user is an intermediate Java programmer.
re This user writes regular expressions to find everything around the house.

This user has set foot in 5 countries of the world.
en This user is a native speaker of English.
fr-1 Cet utilisateur peut contribuer avec un niveau élémentaire de français.
1337-2 7h15 u53r 15 48l3 70 (0n7r18u+3
\/\/i7h 4|\| |1|\|73rm3d14+3 l3\/3l 0f 1337.
Search user languages

I'm Jeff. Things I do here:

  • Programming bots
  • Adding photography
  • Working on local articles
  • General site maintenance stuff (AfD, etc.)

If you're a new user or need a hand with anything, bug me!. For the more advanced or curious types, I have Toolserver access, and often write ad-hoc queries.


[edit] Pet Pages

[edit] Long-term

[edit] Transient

[edit] Current Discussions