Autovía A-22

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Autovía Huesca-Lleida
European Route
Beginning Huesca
End Lleida
Length 110 km
List of autopistas and autovías in Spain

Autovía A-22 or Autovía Huesca-Lleida is the planned upgrade of a section of the actual N-240 spanish road, managed by the Spanish Government, between Lleida (Catalonia) and Huesca (Aragón).

The upgrading will be constructed mainly over the actual N-240 road except in some specific stretches (such as the future bypass of Monzón) where an alternative itinerary will be drawn.

List of towns connected by the actual N-240, and hence by the future A-22, includes Lleida, Almacelles, Binéfar, Monzón, Barbastro and Huesca.