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Autostereoscopy is a method of displaying three-dimensional images that can be viewed without the use of special headgear or glasses on the part of the user. These methods produce depth perception in the viewer even though the image is produced by a flat device.

Several technologies exist for autostereoscopic 3D displays. Currently most of such flat-panel solutions are using lenticular lenses or parallax barrier. If the viewer positions their head in certain viewing positions, they will perceive a different image with each eye, giving a stereo image. These displays can have multiple viewing zones allowing multiple users to view the image at the same time. Other displays use eye tracking systems to automatically adjust the two displayed images to follow the viewer's eyes as they move their head.


[edit] Existing brands

A wide range of organisations have developed autostereoscopic 3D displays, ranging from experimental displays in university departments to commercially available displays, such as (in alphabetic order)

Sharp [2] also claim to have the technology, although not for commercial sale at the moment.

[edit] References

[edit] External links

[edit] See also

  • Stereogram, creating 3D perception on printed paper or ordinary monitors