Aurra Sing

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Star Wars character
Aurra Sing

Portrayed by Michonne Bourriague

Position Bounty Hunter Dark Jedi
Homeworld Nar Shaddaa
Species Unknown
Gender Female
Affiliation Confederacy of Independent Systems

Aurra Sing is a fictional character from the Star Wars universe. She first appears in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, portrayed by Michonne Bourriague, and also appears in the series' Expanded Universe. The character was intended to appear in Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones, but her role was ultimately replaced by the character Zam Wesell.


[edit] Appearance

Aurra Sing wears orange-red protective body paint instead of a conventional suit. She has bright hair and her long fingernails are used to draw blood from unsuspecting victims.

[edit] History

[edit] In Republic

Aurra Sing's back story is explained in the Star Wars: Republic comic book series. She is raised on the mean streets of Nar Shaddaa's vertical cities, the child of a petty criminal named Aunuanna. The Dark Woman, a Jedi Master, finds her as an infant and whisks her to Coruscant to train her. She displays instinct and deadly reflexes, but lacks control over her baser emotions. On Ord Namurt, Aurra is kidnapped by space pirates, who tell her lies regarding the Jedi Order. Aurra believes these lies, and at the tender age of nine, turns her back on the Jedi.

She is captured by a Hutt while honing her martial arts and hunting skills. The Hutt decides she would make a good assassin, and sends her to train with the vampiric Anzati. She returns a totally different person, completely devoid of compassion and consumed with hatred for the Jedi. The Anzati even affix her with a Biocomputer sensor implant, which not only increases her awareness, but also transmits a simulated sensation of fear.

She becomes a bounty hunter and works for herself. She kills at least six Jedi, and keeps her opponents' lightsabers as trophies. Among her victims is Sharad Hett, father of A'Sharad Hett. Her other weapons include a swoop bike, her own scarlet-bladed lightsaber, twin blaster pistols and a long projectile rifle.

Soon, Count Dooku requests she get as much information on Boba Fett, son of the late Jango Fett. When Aurra finds out Boba is heir to a fortune, she seizes the opportunity to try to kill him and collect the money. She nearly succeeds on the planet Aargau, but the boy escapes.

Aurra is later hired to assassinate a senator on Devaron; coincidentally, the Dark Woman is on a mission there at the time. Aurra springs a trap, which seals off the Dark Woman and fellow Jedi Master Tholme in a cave. Aurra is ultimately foiled by Aayla Secura, who scars her and severs her Biocomputer implant. Aurra is stunned, and taken into custody.

[edit] In Legacy of the Force

Aurra Sing later resurfaces during a Corellian-backed assassination attempt on Tenel Ka and her and Jacen Solo's daughter Allana during the Legacy of the Force series. While fighting Jacen, Allana injects her with a knock-out serum. She is last seen in the brig of Jacen's flagship.

[edit] External links
