Aurel Popovici

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Aurel C. Popovici (16 October 1863 Lugoj, Transylvania - 9 February 1917 Geneva, Switzerland) was an ethnic Romanian Austro-Hungarian lawyer and politician. With other Romanian intellectuals of the National Romanian Party, in 1892 he signed the Transylvanian Memorandum, a document pleading for equal rights with Hungarians in Transylvania, and demanding an end to persecutions and Magyarization attempts.

Map of the United States of Greater Austria, proposed by Popovici in 1906
Map of the United States of Greater Austria, proposed by Popovici in 1906

In 1906 he proposed the federalization of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy into the so-called United States of Greater Austria.

He is buried in the cemetery next to St. Nicholas Church in Braşov.

[edit] See also