Atomic Age

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The Ford Nucleon concept car
The Ford Nucleon concept car

The Atomic Age, also known as the Atomic Era, is a phrase typically used to delineate the period of history following the detonation of the first nuclear bomb.


[edit] The Atomic Age in the 1950s

The phrase stems from the feeling of nuclear optimism in the 1950s in which it was believed that all power sources in the future would be atomic in nature. The atomic bomb ("A-bomb") would render all conventional explosives obsolete and nuclear power plants would do the same for power sources such as coal and oil. There was a general feeling that everything would use a nuclear power source of some sort, in a positive and productive way, from irradiating food to preserve it, to the development of nuclear medicine. This would render the Atomic Age as significant a step in technological progress as the first smelting of Bronze, of Iron, or the commencement of the Industrial Revolution.

This included even cars, leading Ford to display the Ford Nucleon concept car to the public in 1958.

[edit] The Atomic Age in the 1960s

In the 1960s, the term became less common, but the concept remained. In the Thunderbirds TV series, a set of vehicles was presented that were imagined to be completely nuclear, as shown in cutaways presented in their comic-books.

Many experts predicted that thanks to the giant nuclear power stations of the near future electricity would soon become much cheaper and that electricity meters would be removed, because power would be "too cheap to meter."[1]

Lew Kowarski, a former director of CERN, recalled even such references as Atomic cocktail waitresses.

The term was initially used in a positive, futuristic sense, but by the 1960s the threats posed by nuclear weapons had begun to edge out nuclear power as the dominant motif of the atom.

[edit] The Atomic Age from 1970 to 2000

By the late 1970s, nuclear power was faced with economic difficulties and widespread public unease, coming to a head in the Three Mile Island accident in 1979, and the Chernobyl reactor explosion in 1986, both of which effectively killed the nuclear power industry for decades thereafter.

[edit] The Atomic Age after 2000

Presently the label of the Atomic Age now connotes either a sense of nostalgia or naïveté, and is considered by many to have ended with the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, though the term continues to be used by some historians to describe the era following the conclusion of the Second World War. The term is used by some science fiction fans to describe not only the era following the conclusion of the Second World War but also contemporary history up to the present day.

As of 2007, a resurgence of the Atomic Age appears to be underway, as some advocates of nuclear power suggest that its use could be a solution to global warming. In addition, nations such as China are vastly expanding their nuclear power programs.[2]

[edit] Chronology of the Atomic Age

[edit] The Atomic Age in pop culture

  • 1913 — C.W. Leadbeater published Man: How, Whence, and Whither? . This book describes the future society of the world in the 27th century (which, as a clairvoyant, Leadbeater claimed to have gotten information about from the akashic records) as being powered by atomic energy. [12]
  • 1951 — Isaac Asimov's science fiction novel Foundation (consisting mostly of stories originally published between 1942 and 1944) is published. In this novel, the first novel of the Foundation series, the Foundation on Terminus, guided by Psychohistory, invents a religion called Scientism which has an atomic priesthood based on the scientific use of atomic energy to pacify, impress, and control the masses of the barbarian inhabitants of the stellar kingdoms surrounding Terminus as the Galactic Empire breaks up.
  • 1954 — The science fiction film Godzilla was released, about an iconic fictional monster that is gigantic irradiated dinosaur, transformed from the fallout of an H-Bomb test.
  • 1982 — The documentary film The Atomic Cafe, detailing society's attitudes toward the atomic bomb in the early Atomic Age, debuted to widespread acclaim.
  • Beginning in the 1990s, nostalgia stores that specialize in selling modern furniture or artifacts from the 1950s often have included the words Atomic Age as part of the name of, or advertising for the store.
  • 1999 — Larry Niven published the science fiction novel Rainbow Mars. In this novel, in the 31st century, Earth uses a dating system based on what is called the Atomic Era, in which the year one is 1945. Thus, what we call the year 3053 C.E. (the year the novel begins) is in the novel the year 1108 A.E.
  • Autumn 2007 — Bachelor Pad magazine, "The New Digest of Atomic Age Culture" began publication. [16]

[edit] References

  1. ^ Too Cheap to Meter?. Canadian Nuclear Society (2007-03-30). Retrieved on 2007-06-17.
  2. ^ Nuclear Power in China. Australian Uranium Association (May 2007). Retrieved on 2007-06-17.
  3. ^ Asimov, Isaac Atom: Journey Across the Sub-Atomic Cosmos New York:1992 Plume Page 92
  4. ^ Asimov, Isaac Atom: Journey Across the Sub-Atomic Cosmos New York:1992 Plume Page 92
  5. ^ Asimov, Isaac Atom: Journey Across the Sub-Atomic Cosmos New York:1992 Plume Page 125
  6. ^ Asimov, Isaac Atom: Journey Across the Sub-Atomic Cosmos New York:1992 Plume Page 125
  7. ^ Asimov, Isaac Atom: Journey Across the Sub-Atomic Cosmos New York:1992 Plume Page 95
  8. ^ Asimov, Isaac Atom: Journey Across the Sub-Atomic Cosmos New York:1992 Plume Page 154
  9. ^ Asimov, Isaac Atom: Journey Across the Sub-Atomic Cosmos New York:1992 Plume Page 182
  10. ^ Too Cheap to Meter?:
  11. ^ Tierney, John. "FINDINGS; An Early Environmentalist, Embracing New 'Heresies'", The New York Times, The New York Times Company, 2007-02-27. Retrieved on 2008-03-23. 
  12. ^ Besant, Annie and Leadbeater, C.W. Man: How, Whence, and Whither? Adyar, India:1913 Theosophical Publishing House On page vii of the Introduction it is stated that the information in the book is a result of Leadbeater's inspection of the Akashic records.
  13. ^ Brosterman, Norman Out of Time: Designs for the Twentieth Century Future New York:2000 Henry N. Abrams, Inc. Page 79 shows Howard M. Duffin's 1939 painting of an atomic power plant; see “The Atomic Age” pages 78-83
  14. ^ The Bikini Turns 60:
  15. ^ Animation World Magazine Issue 3.1, April 1998 — The Making of Our Friend the Atom
  16. ^ Bachelor Pad: The New Digest of Atomic Age Culture:

[edit] See also

[edit] External links