Astra (weapon)

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In Hindu mythology, an astra was a supernatural weapon, presided over by a specific deity. To summon or use an astra required knowledge of a specific incantation/invocation, when armed. The deity invoked would then endow the weapon, making it impossible to counter through regular means. Specific conditions existed involving the usage of astras, the violation of which could be fatal. Because of the power involved, the knowledge involving an astra was passed from a teacher to a pupil by word of mouth alone, and only following the establishment of the student's character. Certain astras had to be handed down from the deity involved directly, knowledge of the incantation being insufficient.

Astras come into importance mainly in the Ramayana and Mahabharata, where they are used in the great battles described in each epic. They are depicted as used by archers such as Rama, Arjuna, Bheeshma etc. The astras were generally invoked into arrows, although they could potentially be used with anything - Ashwatthama invoked an astra using a blade of grass as his weapon

[edit] Astras

The following are astras mentioned in the Ramayana and Mahabharata :

Astra Deity Effect
Aindraastra Indra, god of weather Would bring about a 'shower' of arrows from the sky.
Agneyastra Agni, god of fire The weapon discharged would emit flames unextinguishable through normal means.
Varunaastra Varuna, god of water The weapon discharged would release great masses of water. This weapon is commonly mentioned as used to counter the Agneyastra.
Nagastra The Nagas The weapon would have an unerring aim and take on the shape of a snake, proving deadly upon impact.
Vavavyaastra Vayu, god of wind Bring about a gale capable of lifting armies off the ground.
Suryastra Surya, god of the sun Create a dazzling light that would dispel any darkness about.
Vajra Indra, god of weather Target would be struck with bolts of lightning (vajra referring to Indra's thunderbolt).
Mohini Mohini, an avatar of Vishnu Dispel any form of maya or sorcery in the vicinity.
Twashtar Twashtri, the heavenly builder When used against a group of opponents (such as an army), would cause them to mistake each other for enemies and fight each other.
Sammohana/Pramohana Would cause entire hosts/armies to collapse in a trance.
Brahmaastra Brahma, the Creator Would destroy entire hosts at once. Could also counter most other astras.
Brahmasirsha Brahma, the Creator Capable of killing devas. Was used by Ashwatthama on Parikshit.
Narayanaastra Vishnu, the Preserver Would create showers of arrows and discs. The astra's power would increase with the resistance offered to it. This weapon had to be obtained from Vishnu directly, and could be used only once.
Vaishnavaastra Vishnu, the Preserver Would destroy target completely, irrespective of target's nature. Infallible. This weapon had to be obtained from Vishnu directly.
Pasupata Shiva, the Destroyer Would destroy target completely, irrespective of target's nature. Infallible. This weapon had to be obtained from Shiva directly.

[edit] References

1. "The Ramayana" 2. "The Mahabharata" 3. "Srimad Bhagavatam"