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Part of a series on
Chabad Hasidism

1. Shneur Zalman of Liadi
Rebbes of Lubavitch
2. Dovber Schneuri
3. Menachem Mendel Schneersohn
4. Shmuel Schneersohn
5. Sholom Dovber Schneersohn
6. Yosef Yitzchok Schneersohn
7. Menachem Mendel Schneerson
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Itche Der Masmid · Manis Friedman · Yoel Kahn
Leib Groner · C. M. Schneerson· Shemaryahu Gurary
L. Y. Schneerson · Berel Lazar · Moshe Kotlarsky
Yehuda Krinsky · Z. M. HaYitzchaki · Nissan Neminov
Herman Branover · Zalman Serebryanski
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v  d  e is a "hot line" website for people who have a moral dilemma they wish to solve through Judaism. It offers live chatting with experts. They provide advice on a broad spectrum of topics, ranging from details of Jewish tradition to personal problems. The advice is given from a strictly religious point of view, as the website is not meant to help troubled teens, but rather to educate people in Judaism. While the site is primarily oriented toward helping Jews with advice, its advisors are equally available to all.

"Live! One-on-one. 24/6"

[edit] Live Chat

Once the user comes onto the site's home page, they can log into the Java-based chat room using a temporary "chat name" and receive advice in a matter of minutes. A particular scholar with whom the user has had previous experience may be requested, assuming they are available. The lengh of the chat is usually unlimited, unless there is an abundance of clients. In this case the chat time is limited by the scholar. The process is anonymous and free of charge. The director of the website is Rabbi Simcha Backman. [1] provides "24/6" service, meaning scholars are available for chatting 24 hours a day, but take the Sabbath off. Assistance is available in English, Hebrew, Russian, Spanish and French.

The software preserves conversations for later display, although personal details are deleted.

[edit] Knowledgebase

In addition to live advice, provides a database of essays answering questions on common topics relevant to Judaism, such as God, Jewish philosophy, Jewish holidays and the like. The Knowledgebase also contains some of the more fruitful conversations scholars had with the website’s visitors. The personal details the visitor might have given are not displayed.

[edit] External links