Asiatic salamander

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Asiatic Salamanders
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Lissamphibia
Order: Caudata
Family: Hynobiidae

The Asiatic Salamanders (Family Hynobiidae) are rather primitive salamanders spread all over Asia. They are closely related to the Giant Salamanders (Family Cryptobranchidae), with which they form the suborder Cryptobranchoidea. According to Hasumi (2002), "about half of hynobiids are unique to Japan."

Hynobiid salamanders practice external fertilization, or spawning. They are not known to exercise any form of parental care, unlike their cryptobranchid relatives. And unlike other salamander families which reproduce internally, male hynobiids focus on egg sacs rather than females during breeding (Hasumi, 2002). A few species have very reduced lungs or no lungs at all. Also the tadpole can sometimes have reduced external gills if they live in cold and very oxygen rich water.

Currently, 50 species are known.

The following genera make up the Family Hynobiidae:

[edit] References

Hasumi, M. (2002). About hynobiids. Retrieved May 8, 2005 from [1].

[edit] External links