Wikipedia talk:Articles for deletion/Synergetics

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yay -- Are Buckafka Fullofit? Synergetics_ should be put in the bibliography, the link to Bob's scan of the text, that is now in the "external links" section. it's a fun book to scan, although there's no math at all, except for implicit use of (and trig., in Color Plates One and Two .-)

there are actualy "uncoveries" that RBF et al made, that most of his fans are barely aware of. of course, tensegrity is now a very appreciabe scientific field, or many fields, which was first uncovered by Ken Snelson, in association with Bucky.

I have a model of fullerenes, the one that Bucky should have found!

R. Brian Hutchings

PS: that there's no math in _S_ is good -- you have to supply it. unfortunately, the "Buckywitches" seem to believe that "nature's coordinate system" had made the rest of math obsolete, which is mainly unfounded. (now, the only real "mystaque" that I've found in _S_, is the whole section on "Scheherezade Numbers," which is a sad attempt at the higher arithmetic of Fermat, Gauss et al; numbertheory, the queen of the sciences.)

PPS: does the article on Trickier Dick Cheeny, happen to include any data on his "residence" in the Nixon Admin.?... I mean, he *is* running the govt. de facto & de jure.