Wikipedia talk:Articles for deletion/Boubaker polynomials (2nd nomination)

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[edit] Comments

Thank you EN.WP, you made Clem23 bahaving like an ANGEL !!!. If only you know how was he in FR.WP.

Ok, the en.WP will judge if whatClem23 wrote to Balougador Popo le chien , and Doctorcosmos and others was racist or not, and his annexed antecedants with other people will be examinated.

You know, Clem23 is not very wise, he wants to make the debate's level low... so our last comment to him is : good night!

[edit] please be aware !!

Sir, please debate on the polynomials use, proprieties and usefulness, don't let such persons disturbing the debate; P.S. see the page Dicussion of Boubaker Polynomials , and be wondered by the level of the discussion (criticism, demonstrations, formulae correction..), if someone tries to make the level lower by evoking insults don't give it attention ; you'll see it will vanish naturally.

One can always hope that the article, will "softly, silently, vanish away". — Arthur Rubin | (talk) 03:15, 28 February 2008 (UTC)

This is a hope or an administrative decision??Olmec23 (talk) 11:18, 28 February 2008 (UTC)

A hope. As a !voter, I shouldn't make that adminstrative decision. — Arthur Rubin | (talk) 14:19, 28 February 2008 (UTC)

This is the main difference between you and clem23; between En.WP and Fr.WP!! you may hope what do you want, but just behave honestly ... I stand up in front of you, then I lean foreward, as a sign of respect, gratefulness and real admiration... —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 02:33, 29 February 2008 (UTC)

[edit] En.Wp’ keep your site clean…

< if I am blocked here, this means that the concerned succeeded to impose their laws to EN.WP's... unfortunately...>

See this Message from DarkoNeko ( 28 feb. 2008 18:13) to clem23 Please verify it before any decision...

..Toutefois attention, a trop vouloir pousser, ça peut avoir un effet indésirable  : un peu comme ça a agacé tout le monde lorsque en:user:Whispertome a voulu faire sa loi sur fr, ça va les agacer à juste titre si on insiste trop à plusieurs (donner l'impression qu'on viens faire la loi chez eux, quoi, ….

Translation : ... be aware , if we insist, that would be indesirable : like when en:user:Whispertome wanted to impose his laws in Fr.WP ; that will bother THEM (The ENWP’S) if we insist together , this will give impression that we are wanting to impose our laws on EN.WP ..

wanting to impose our laws - Very interesting this information. I understand better now the real polemic of the topic of the Boubaker polynomials. But what is the real reason of the suppression similar to an old demand of suppression of some notorious arabic musicians without motivation in FR-WP (the same persons) very strange ? --Mario scolas (talk) 07:21, 29 February 2008 (UTC)
This is the real danger... and not a page to inset or not to insert...

Dear WP's: I am not Solas, I am not the polynomial, but i am blocked... why?? (talk) 02:25, 29 February 2008 (UTC)

—Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 02:17, 29 February 2008 (UTC) 
and why to associate my name please ?--Mario scolas (talk) 07:23, 29 February 2008 (UTC)

"..Toutefois attention, a trop vouloir pousser, ça peut avoir un effet indésirable  : un peu comme ça a agacé tout le monde lorsque en:user:Whispertome a voulu faire sa loi sur fr, ça va les agacer à juste titre si on insiste trop à plusieurs (donner l'impression qu'on viens faire la loi chez eux, quoi, …." - Is not appropriate. It doesn't matter where the "laws" come from. Are they grounded in policy? Is there a good argument for them? This "Us. vs. them" "EN vs. FR" idea is not appropriate for Wikipedia. WhisperToMe (talk) 05:17, 3 June 2008 (UTC)

[edit] answer from Darkoneko

(sigh) I'm pretty sure people won't be fooled by this, but I also realise most people here don't understand french, so I feel kinda obligated to put something more correct.

Now to correct this little slandering :

  • The exact section : [1]
  • A more exact translation of the message, with a few annotation :
be careful (NOT me, he) of not pushing things too much, since it could have an undesirable effect, as (insert exemple of an enwiki guy coming on fr),they might get rightfully irritated if we (as in "we, the people from frwiki") insist too much (hence giving them a feeling that we want to do the law on their wiki, even tho that's not the case)
What's why (amongst other reasons) I only clarified a few elements given by tourist (there) without asking for anything myself.
On last resort (aka if it's not possible to gather enough proof on enwiki alone), I will request a cross-wiki CU on the steward mailing list (and ask help/coordination of the "global CU mailing list")

Quite far from the meaning he wanted to give to my writing. I'm willing to ask any other translator to confirm this version (amongst other sysop (supposedly trusted users) or members of the local or global translation comitees)

I won't answer the allegation of boubaker&scolas, as I'm sure people are smart enough to have their own idea about theses petty B.S. (Boubker having been doing POV-pushing non stop here under IP 41.x.x.x, and Mario Scolas being indef-blocked).

Darkoneko (talk) 10:24, 29 February 2008 (UTC)

Even if the feeling is there, it should not focus on who is bringing the idea on the table, but what the idea is about. I tried again in April using a different approach and it worked better. It is true that one should not try to violate the quasi-sovereignity of the wikis, but I will also remind that it is inappropriate to feel personally about the actions I took - we are all here to make the Wikipedias better no matter what language is spoken. While I probably came on too strongly, I feel that attempts to make a disucssion center around people is inappropriate and not Wiki-like. I feel my actions (even if they were misguided) were justified because I acted in good faith. I did a good thing for FR. The simply "coming on" is 100% okay - just be sure to properly "come on." Coming on properly means making it clear that the FR community decides what to implement and to not make it like as if one is trying to force the FR community to do anything. Anyhow, I looked at Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Boubaker_polynomials_(2nd_nomination) - that was an appropriate and justified deletion. It focused on the issue (lack of sources, notability). It doesn't matter if the people are FR people or EN people or if they speak English or Turkish. Things are decided by issues here. WhisperToMe (talk) 04:06, 3 June 2008 (UTC)

[edit] Yes, Darkoneko, En.WP’s are smart!! , and WP is not a wooden board !!

Before all; a tremendous thank you for WP's administrators for patience and reasonable behaviour, we ensure them that we will never go against any decision they make.

Every one can see that the objective ‘Darkoneko ‘ translation omitted the main sentence : like when en:user:Whispertome wanted to impose his laws in Fr.WP ; that will bother THEM (The ENWP’S)....

It means he is just terrified by being discovered, and tries to shift responsibility on (Tourist, until now not evoked except by him ..) ‘..I only clarified a few elements given by tourist…’

In order to prove claims (to En.PW's, not to him..) here is a fresh Discussion between Darkoneko and Clem23 :

-see (  ; ) -and related pages…

PLEASE VERIFY AUTHENTICITY (in every case it was not contested..):

Visiblement vos interventions (avec Touriste) n'ont pas été suffisantes, De mon côté, j'ai contacté un admin qui a suivi depuis le début et je vais me charger d'enfoncer le clou. And ...Merci en tout cas. Peut être qu'en continuant à enfoncer le clou ça paiera contre ces melons !!

Translation : Obviously your interventions (with touriste???, what is the matter with touriste? we have never talked about him...why is Darnenko and clem23 evoke him ???) were not enough !!! … On my side, I will ‘ insert deeply a nail in the board’ =I will do any evil act that harms ; … Thank you , perhaps by doing that –inserting a nail deeply- , it will pay against these melons ???= (you can ask French people about the meaning)…

Now Darkoneko; (as a clem23 sock/meatpuppet ) claims : I won't answer the allegations!! Which ones???? Only his speech is reported, and from his own pages.

EN.WP’s are too intelligent for such traps…Citypark2008 (talk) 14:35, 29 February 2008 (UTC)

[edit] Dete or not to delete , that is the question

See this interesting debate between Darkoneko and Clem23 (two fr:operators who declare dedicating 80% of their time to this discussion about an 'unknown' polynomial , TRANSLATION in page : [2] —Preceding unsigned comment added by Citypark2008 (talkcontribs) 21:08, 29 February 2008 (UTC)