Artur Żmijewski (movie maker)

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Artur Żmijewski (born 26 May 1966 in Warsaw) is a Polish visual artist, filmmaker and photographer. During the years of 1990-1995 he studied at Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts. He is an author of short video movies and photography exhibitions, which were shown all over the world.


[edit] Notable works

[edit] Movies

Note: Titles in brackets are non-official English titles.

  • Ja i AIDS (Me and AIDS), 1996
  • Ogród botaniczny ZOO (ZOO, The Botanic Garden), 1997
  • Oko za Oko (An Eye for an Eye), 1998
  • Berek (The Game of Tag), 1999
  • KR WP, 2000
  • Sztuka kochania (An Art of Love), 2000
  • Karolina (Caroline), 2001
  • Na spacer (Out for a Walk), 2001
  • Lekcja śpiewu 1 (Singing Lesson 1), 2001
  • Lekcja śpiewu 2 (Singing Lesson 2), 2003
  • Pielgrzymka (Pilgrimage), 2003
  • Nasz śpiewnik (Our Songbook), 2003
  • Itzik, 2003
  • Lisa, 2003
  • 80064, 2004
  • Rendez-vous, 2004
  • Powtórzenie (Repetition), 2005
  •, 2005

[edit] Photographies

  • 40 Szuflad (40 Drawers), 1995

[edit] Solo exhibitions

  • Tożsamość Dzidzi, 1995, Galeria Przyjaciół A.R., Warsaw, Poland
  • Śpiew sardynek, 1996, Galeria a.r.t., Płock, Poland
  • Oko za oko, 1998, Centrum Sztuki Współczesnej Zamek Ujazdowski, Warsaw, Poland
  • Ausgewahlte Arbeiten, 1999, Galeria Wyspa, Gdańsk, Poland
  • Berek, 2000, Galeria a.r.t., Płock, Poland
  • Na Spacer, 2001, Galeria Foksal, Warsaw, Poland
  • Lekcja śpiewu 1 / Lekcja śpiewu 2, 2003, Fundacja Galerii Foksal, Warsaw, Poland
  • Singing lesson 2, 2003, Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany
  • Singing lesson, 2003, Wilkinson Gallery, London, Great Britain
  • Artur Żmijewski. Selected Works 1998-2003, 2004, MIT List Visual Arts Center, Boston, U.S.
  • Artur Żmijewski, 2004, Centre d'art Contemporain de Bretigny, Brétigny-sur-Orge, France
  • Powtórzenie, 2005, Polski Pawilon na LI Międzynarodowym Biennale w Wenecji, Venezia, Italy
  • Artur Żmijewski, 2005, Kunsthalle, Basel, Switzerland

[edit] Group exhibitions

[edit] References

[edit] External links