Art competitions at the 1928 Summer Olympics

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Jan Wils won the gold medal for the design of the Olympic Stadium in Amsterdam
Jan Wils won the gold medal for the design of the Olympic Stadium in Amsterdam
"Rugby" by Jean Jacoby
"Rugby" by Jean Jacoby

Art competitions were held as part of the 1928 Summer Olympics in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Medals were awarded in five categories (architecture, literature, music, painting, and sculpture), for works inspired by sport-related themes.

The art exhibition was held at the Stedelijk Museum from 12 June to 12 August, and displayed 1150 works of art from 18 different countries. Additionally, the literature competition attracted 40 entries from 10 countries, and the music competition had 22 entries from 9 countries.[1]

The art competitions at the 1928 Games was larger in scope than for previous Games. Instead of a single competition in each of the five artistic categories, awards were presented in multiple subcategories.[2] The judges of the music competition declined to award any medals in two of the three subcategories, and only presented a single bronze medal in the third.

Art competitions were part of the Olympic program from 1912 to 1948.[3] At a meeting of the International Olympic Committee in 1949, it was decided to hold art exhibitions instead, as it was judged illogical to permit professionals to compete in the art competitions but only amateurs were permitted to compete in sporting events.[4] Since 1952, a non-competitive art and cultural festival has been associated with each Games.


[edit] Architecture

Category Gold Silver Bronze
Architectural design Flag of the Netherlands Jan Wils (NED)
Olympic Stadium at Amsterdam[2]
Flag of Denmark Ejnar Mindedal Rasmussen (DEN)
Swimming pool at Ollerup
Flag of France Jacques Lambert (FRA)
Stadium at Versailles
Town planning Flag of Germany Adolf Hensel (GER)
Stadium at Nuremberg
Flag of France Jacques Lambert (FRA)
Stadium at Versailles
Flag of Germany Max Läuger (GER)
Municipal Park at Hamburg

[edit] Literature

Category Gold Silver Bronze
Lyric works Flag of Poland Kazimierz Wierzyński (POL)
"Laur Olimpijski"
Flag of Germany Rudolf Binding (GER)
"Reitvorschrift fur eine Geliebte"
Flag of Denmark Johan Weltzer (DEN)
"Symphonia Heroïca"
Dramatic works none awarded Flag of Italy Lauro De Bosis (ITA)
none awarded
Epic works Flag of Hungary Ferenc Mező (HUN)
"L'histoire des Jeux Olympiques"
Flag of Germany Ernst Weiß (GER)
"Boetius von Orlamünde"
Flag of the Netherlands Carel Scharten &
Margot Scharten-Antink (NED)
"De Nar uit de Maremmen"

[edit] Music

Category Gold Silver Bronze
Song none awarded none awarded none awarded
One instrument none awarded none awarded none awarded
Orchestra none awarded none awarded Flag of Denmark Rudolf Simonsen (DEN)
"Symphony No. 2 Hellas"

[edit] Painting

Category Gold Silver Bronze
Paintings Flag of the Netherlands Isaac Israëls (NED)
"Cavalier Rouge"
Flag of the United Kingdom Laura Knight (GBR)
Flag of Germany Walther Klemm (GER)
Drawings Flag of Luxembourg Jean Jacoby (LUX)
Flag of France Alexandre Virot (FRA)
"Gestes de Football"
Flag of Poland Władysław Skoczylas (POL)
Graphic works Flag of the United Kingdom William Nicholson (GBR)
"Un Almanach de douze Sports"
Flag of Switzerland Carl Moos (SUI)
Flag of Germany Max Feldbauer (GER)

[edit] Sculpture

Category Gold Silver Bronze
Statues Flag of France Paul Landowski (FRA)
Flag of Switzerland Milo Martin (SUI)
"Athlète au repos"
Flag of Germany Renée Sintenis (GER)
Reliefs and medallions Flag of Austria Edwin Grienauer (AUT)
Flag of the Netherlands Chris van der Hoef (NED)
Médaille pour les Jeux Olympiques
Flag of Germany Edwin Scharff (GER)

[edit] Medal table

At the time, medals were awarded to these artists, but art competitions are no longer regarded as official Olympic events by the International Olympic Committee. These events do not appear in the IOC medal database,[5] and these totals are not included in the IOC's medal table for the 1928 Games.[6]

 Rank  Nation Gold Silver Bronze Total
1 Flag of the Netherlands Netherlands (NED) 2 1 1 4
2 Flag of Germany Germany (GER) 1 2 5 8
3 Flag of France France (FRA) 1 2 1 4
4 Flag of the United Kingdom Great Britain (GBR) 1 1 0 2
5 Flag of Poland Poland (POL) 1 0 1 2
6 Flag of Austria Austria (AUT) 1 0 0 1
Flag of Hungary Hungary (HUN) 1 0 0 1
Flag of Luxembourg Luxembourg (LUX) 1 0 0 1
9 Flag of Switzerland Switzerland (SUI) 0 2 0 2
10 Flag of Denmark Denmark (DEN) 0 1 2 3
11 Flag of Italy Italy (ITA) 0 1 0 1

[edit] References

  1. ^ G. van Rossem (ed.) (1928). The Ninth Olympiad. Amsterdam 1928. Official Report (PDF), Amsterdam: J. H. de Bussy, pp. 877–901. Retrieved on 2008-03-25. 
  2. ^ a b Wagner, Juergen. Olympic Art Competition 1928 Amsterdam. Olympic Games Museum. Retrieved on 2008-03-25.
  3. ^ Kramer, Bernhard (May 2004). "In Search of the Lost Champions of the Olympic Art Contests" (PDF). Journal of Olympic History 12 (2): pp. 29-34. 
  4. ^ Bolanaki, A. (June 1951). "Report on Art Exhibitions" (PDF). Bulletin du Comité International Olympique (27): p. 34. Lausanne: International Olympic Committee. 
  5. ^ Olympic Medal Winners. International Olympic Committee. Retrieved on 2008-03-26.
  6. ^ Amsterdam 1928 Medal Table. International Olympic Committee. Retrieved on 2008-03-26.