Art Longsjo

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Art Longsjo (1932–1958) was an Olympian speed skater and cyclist. He was born in 1932 and died in a car accident in 1958 at age 26. In 1956 he competed in both the Summer and Winter Olympics in the same year In his first cycling event, Art rode his bicycle 1.5 hours to the race, from Fitchburg to Westboro, MA, then competed and won the 1 mile, 3 mile, and 25 mile races.

Longsjo won the 5,000 m speed skating event at the United States national championship to make the Olympic team at the 1956 Winter Olympics; however, due to a knee injury before the games, he placed outside the medal stand.

The Fitchburg Longsjo Classic is a memorial road bicycle racing stage race was started in his home town of Fitchburg, Massachusetts in 1960, and has been held annually ever since.