Arques, Aude

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Arques castle
Arques castle

Arques is a commune of the Aude department of France. It is situated on the banks of the Rialsès river.[1] The village was the birthplace of Cathar historian Déodat Roché.[1]

[edit] History

The area was owned by the Abbey of Lagrasse in the early 11th century, before coming under the control of the Seigneurs of Termes. The region was given by Simon de Montfort to Pierre de Voisins after the Albigensian Crusade, and his son Gilbert commissioned the building of Arques castle in 1284. The castle (right) consists of a 78 ft. high keep encircled by an outer wall.[1]

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b c Bély, Lucien (2006). Discovering the Cathars. Éditions SudOuest, p.73-4. ISBN 978-2-87-901711-2. 
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Coordinates: 42°57′N 2°23′E / 42.95, 2.383