Arlon Lindner

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Arlon Lindner (born 1935-08-03) was a legislator in the Minnesota House of Representatives serving district 33A from 1993—2002 and district 32A from 2003—2004 (after the 2002 redistricting). He is a Republican.


[edit] Biography

Lindner is a self-employed businessman and a Baptist. He attended the North Texas State University, where he received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics. He also received a Master of Divinity in Ethics from the Central Baptist Theological Seminary of Minneapolis. He is married with four children.

[edit] Ethics complaint

In 2003, Keith Ellison and a group of fellow DFLers of the Minnesota House of Representatives filed an ethics complaint against Lindner for a speech he made denying that homosexuals were targeted by the Nazis and were slain in the Holocaust. He made several comments on the floor of the House while he introduced a bill that would "repeal the state's pro-gay human rights amendment and remove sexual orientation from its hate-crimes law.”[1] This led to Lidner being denied the Republican endorsement in the 2004 elections, so he ran as an independent, but lost the election with only 19.3% of the votes in the general election.

[edit] References

  1. ^ "Minn. Kampf - Politics - Minnesota state representative Arlon Lindner", The Advocate, April 15, 2003.  Retrieved on Dec. 13, 2006

[edit] External links