Arlington High School (Arlington, Washington)

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Arlington High School, located in Arlington, Washington, is home to the Eagles. The enrollment was 1,598 for the 2005-2006 school year. This school was built in 2002 after years of unsuccessful building bonds. Its Hi Q team, a trivia-based competition, placed first in its region, and the knowledge bowl team placed third in the state. It has a Performing Arts Center for its 150 plus band members and other performing groups. The grand opening, after five years of raising funds, was on May 31st, 2007. Sports range from tennis to football to soccer. Their WESCO North 4A football team made it to the semi-finals in 4A State Play-offs in 2005. Their rivals are the Stanwood Spartans. The football team and basketball teams have recently had coach replacements.Coach Dailer is the new football coach. The Arlington High School Jazz Choir, "Jazzmine", won first place at Fullerton Jazz Festival in Los Angeles California in 2007. The acclaimed group has been performing around the state and country for twenty years.

The Arlington High School ethnicity is:[citation needed]

  • 90.1% White
  • 3.9% Hispanic
  • 3.1% Asian or Pacific Islander
  • 1.6% American Indian or Alaskan Native
  • 1.3% Black