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[edit] HI! Welcome to my personal page

My name is Arturo Campillo Salcedo. I born in Mexico, and I am licensed in Biblical Sciences and Philosophy of Religion.

[edit] Professional Studies

From 1988, I have realized investigations and tests on the Ancient World. I am recognized overall by my work of diffusion on Dead Sea Scrolls and the origins of Christianity.

From 2003, I have approved diverse studies specialized in History and Religion of the Middle East in several prestigious institutions:

Graduated in the Seminary of Monotheistic Religions in Casa Lamm House, México City:

  • Introduction to the history of the Islamic civilization (Prof. Alfonso Alfaro, of the 24 of July to the 25 of September of 2003);
  • The Jewish People: between the faith and history (Prof. Esther Shabot, of the 2 of October to the 11 of December of 2003);
  • Introduction to Christianity (Prof. Xavier Massimi, of the 8 of January to the 18 of March of the 2004).
  • Course of Prehistoric and of the Middle East Art (September 2003 to January of 2004).

Course “Paleo-christian Studies: the heresy and the Orthodoxy, faces of a same currency”, (14 of April - 2 of June of the 2004), distributed by Dr. Roberto Sanchez Valencia, in National Autonomous University of Mexico, in Mexico City.

Graduated in Biblical Sciences and Philosophy of the Religion (September 2004 - Abril 2007), from the Faculty of Studies Superiors Zaragoza (UNAM) and Mana Museum of the Sacred Scriptures.

Degree in Biblical Sciences and Philosophy of the Religion (2008) Mana, Museum of the Sacred Scriptures

[edit] Extracurricular activities

From February of 2000, I have collaborated as adviser and production assistant in diverse projects of television, radio and Internet.

From February to June of 2001, I have participated as adviser and guide in the elaboration of 25 programs that Infinite Channel realized in Mexico for the program “Infinite Zone”, lead by journalist Horacio Embón and producer Erna Acuña. In addition I have participated like guest in the program titled “the Inquisición in Mexico”.

As 2001, and until half-full of 2002, I have participated with architect Martín Aparicio in the wireless program “A light in the universe”, transmitted in ABC Radio, of 12 at night to two in the morning. In two weekly capsules on archeology and philosophy, the public was introduced to the most important and present contents on these two subjects.

In that same period, thanks to the platform of the radio program, I have organized a series of successful guided visits to the archaeological sites of Teotihuacan, Tula, and the Templo Mayor (Greater Temple), besides a pair of visits to the archaeological zones of Filobobos and the Tajín, in Veracruz, in which it was counted more on a total attendance of 400 people.

In March of 2002, invited by the Secretariat of Culture, Recreation and Tourism of the Union of the Mexican Institute of the Social Insurance, I make the presentation of the conference: “Archaeological and Historical Probes on Jesus de Galilea”. In addition, I have been adviser on diverse historical subjects for matutinal programs of Televisa (Program “Hoy”), TV Azteca (Program “TEMPRANITO”), and PCTV (Program: “100% Mujer”).

Also I have realized the investigation, edition and presentation of the investigation clips: “The Shroud of Turin: true relic or medieval fraud? ”, “The Priory of Sion and the Da Vinci Code”, and “the Gospel de Judas”, for the program: “The Great Mysteries of the Third Millenium”, respectively transmitted the 11 of April of 2004, the 15 of August of 2004 and the 14 of May of 2006.

Like part of the exhibition “From the papyrus to the computer: the Bible, more than 4.000 years of history”, realized in the Library of Mexico “Jose Vasconcelos”, I have coordinated several guided visits and distributed the conference “Archeology of the New Testament” (26 of May - 31 of 2005 July).

In Manna, Museum of the Sagradas Scriptures, between 2005 and 2007 has distributed the matters of:

  • Introduction to Hebrew Scriptures
  • Introduction to Greek Scriptures
  • Facts of the Apostles
  • Greek epistles
  • Old and New archaeological introduction to Testaments
  • Introduction to the Philosophy
  • Relation between Philosophy and Theology
  • Introduction to the Greek and the Latin.

From May to December of 2006 I distributed the course “Introduction to the Archeology of the New Testament”.

Within the framework of the First Congress of Biblical Investigation, organized by the Museum of the Sagradas Scriptures, I presented/displayed the communication: “The Gospel de Judas: discovery and content” (30 of 2006 July).

[edit] Current Activities

At the moment I participate in the elaboration of several publishing and radio projects, among them the program "Una Luz en el Universo" (A light in the universe) and "Fronteras del Conocimiento" (Borders of the Science), both transmitted from Mexico City by the station ABC radio, in the frequency of 760 a.m.


[edit] Contributions

(Spanish and english versions):