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For other uses, see Archive (disambiguation). For the Wikipedia coordination point on archived pages, see Wikipedia:Historical archive.
Archive of the AMVC
Archive of the AMVC

An archive refers to a collection of historical records, and also refers to the location in which these records are kept.[1]

Archives are made up of records (AKA primary source documents) which have been accumulated over the course of an individual or organization's lifetime. For example, the archives of an individual may contain letters, papers, photographs, computer files, scrapbooks, financial records, diaries or any other kind of documentary materials created or collected by the individual--regardless of media or format. The archives of an organization (such as a corporation or government), on the other hand, tend to contain different types of records, such as administrative files, business records, memos, official correspondence, meeting minutes, and so on.

In general, archives of any individual or organization consist of records which have been especially selected for permanent or long-term preservation, due to their enduring research value. Archival records are normally unpublished and almost always unique, unlike books or magazines, in which many identical copies exist. This means that archives (the places) are quite distinct from libraries with regard to their functions and organization, although archival collections can often be found within library buildings.

Archives are sometimes described as information generated as the "by-product" of normal human activities, while libraries hold specifically authored information "products".[2]

A person who works in archives is called an archivist. The study and practice of organizing, preserving, and providing access to information and materials in archives is called archival science.

Archivists tend to prefer the term 'archives' (with an S) as the correct terminology to serve as both the singular and plural, since 'archive,' as a noun or a verb, has meanings related to computer science.[3]


[edit] Archive Users and Institutions

Historians, genealogists, lawyers, demographers, and others conduct research at archives.[4] The research process at each archive is unique, and depends upon the institution in which the archive is housed. While there are many different kinds of archives, the most recent census of archivists in the United States identified five major types: academic, for profit (business), government, non profit, and other.[5]

[edit] Academic Archives

Archives existing in colleges, universities, or other educational facilities are usually grouped as academic archives. Academic archives typically exist within a library, and duties may be carried out by an archivist or a librarian. Occasionally, history professors may run a smaller academic archive.[6] Academic archives exist to celebrate and preserve the history of their school and academic community.[7] The inventory of an academic archive may contain items such as papers of former professors and presidents, memorabilia related to school organizations and activities, and items the academic library wishes to remain in a closed-stack setting, such as rare books or thesis copies. It is always a good idea to contact an academic archive before visiting, as the majority of these institutions are available by appointment only. Users of academic archives are often graduate students and those wishing to view rare or historical documents for research purposes. Many academic archives work closely with alumni relations to help raise funds for their library or school.[8] Because of their library setting, a degree certified by the American Library Association is preferred for employment in an academic archive in the USA.

[edit] Business (For Profit) Archives

Archives located in for-profit institutions are usually those owned by a private business. Examples of prominent business archives in the United States include Coca-Cola (which also owns the separate museum World of Coca-Cola), Proctor and Gamble, Motorola Heritage Services and Archives, and Levi Strauss & Co.. These corporate archives maintain historic documents and items related to the history of their companies.[9] Business archives serve the purpose of helping their corporations maintain control over their brand by retaining memories of the company's past. Especially in business archives, records management is separate from the historic aspect of archives. Workers in these types of archives may have any combination of training and degrees, from either a history or library background. These archives are typically not open to the public and only used by workers of the owner company, although some will allow approved visitors by appointment.[10] Business archives are concerned with maintaining the integrity of their parent company, and therefore selective of how their materials may be used.[11]

[edit] Government Archives

The category of government archives includes those institutions run on a local and state level as well as those run by the national (federal) government. Anyone may use a government archive, and frequent users include reporters, genealogists, writers, historians, students, and anyone wanting more information on the history of their home or region. While it is a good idea to make an appointment before visiting government archives, at many government archives no appointment is required, as they are open to the public.[12]

In the United States, NARA archives exist not only in the District of Columbia, but regionally as well.[13] Some city or local governments may have repositories, but their organization and accessibility varies widely.[14] State or Province archives typically require at least a bachelor's degree in history for employment, although some ask for certification by test (government or association) as well.

In the UK the National Archives [1], formerly known as the Public Record Office, is the government archive for England and Wales. The National Monuments Record [2]is the public archive of English Heritage. The National Archives of Scotland [3], located in Edinburgh, serve that country while the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland [4] in Belfast is the government archive for Northern Ireland.

A network of local authority-run record offices and archives exists throughout England, Wales and Scotland and holds many important collections, including local government, landed estates, church and business records. Many archives have contributed catalogues to the national Access 2 Archives programme and online searching across collections is possible [5].

In France, the Directorate of the Archives of France (Direction des Archives de France) in the Ministry of Culture manages the National Archives (Archives nationales) which possess 364 km. (226 miles) of archives as of 2004 (the total length of occupied shelves put next to each other), with original records going as far back as A.D. 625, as well as the departmental archives (archives départementales), located in the préfectures of each of the 100 départements of France, which possess 1,901 km. (1,181 miles) of archives (as of 2004), and also the local city archives, about 600 in total, which possess 449 km. (279 miles) of archives (as of 2004).[15] Put together, the total volume of archives under the supervision of the Directorate of the Archives of France is the largest in the world, a testimony to the very ancient nature of the French state which has been in existence for more than eleven centuries already.

In India the National Archives [6] are located in New Delhi.

[edit] Non-Profit Archives

Non-profit archives include those in historical societies, not-for-profit businesses such as hospitals, and the repositories within foundations. Non-profit archives are typically set up with private funds from donors to preserve the papers and history of specific persons or places. Often these institutions rely on grant funding from the government as well.[16] Depending on the funds available, non-profit archives may be as small as the historical society in a rural town to as big as a state historical society that rivals a government archives. Users of this type of archive may vary as much as the institutions that hold them. Employees of non-profit archives may be professional archivists, para-professionals, or volunteers, as the education required for a position at a non-profit archive varies with the demands of the collection's user base.[17]

[edit] Special (Other) Archives

Some archives defy categorization. There are tribal archives within the Native American nations in North America, and there are archives that exist within the papers of private individuals. Many museums keep archives in order to prove the provenance of their pieces. Any institution or persons wishing to keep their significant papers in an organized fashion that employs the most basic principles of archival science may have an archive. In the 2004 census of archivists taken in the United States, 2.7% of archivists were employed in institutions that defied categorization. This was a separate figure from the 1.3% that identified themselves as self-employed.[18]

[edit] Etymology

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The word archives (pronounced /'ɑː(ɹ}.kaɪvs/) is derived from the Greek ἀρχή (arkhē) meaning government or order (compare an-archy, mon-archy). The word originally developed from the Greek ἀρχεῖον (arkheion) which refers to the home or dwelling of the Archon, in which important official state documents were filed and interpreted under the authority of the Archon.

[edit] Archives in history

The word "archives" can refer to any organised body of records fixed on media. The management of archives is essential for effective day-to-day organisational decision making, and even for the survival of organisations. Archives were well developed by the ancient Chinese, the ancient Greeks, and ancient Romans. Modern archival thinking has many roots in the French Revolution. The French National Archives, who possess perhaps the largest archival collection in the world, with records going as far back as A.D. 625, were created in 1790 during the French Revolution from various government, religious, and private archives seized by the revolutionaries.

[edit] Footnotes

  1. ^ Glossary of Library and Internet Terms. University of South Dakota Library. Retrieved on 2007-04-30.
  2. ^ A Glossary of Archival and Records Terminology. Society of American Archivists. Retrieved on 2007-04-06.
  3. ^ definition of archive. Wiktionary. Retrieved on 2007-04-30.
  4. ^ What Are Archives?. National Museum of American History. Retrieved on 2007-04-30.
  5. ^ Walch, Victoria Irons (2006). "Archival Census and Education Needs Survey in the United States: Part 1: Introduction". The American Archivist 69 (2): 294-309. 
  6. ^ Maher, William J. (1992). The Management of College and University Archives.. Metuchen, New Jersey: Society of American Archivists & The Scarecrow Press, Inc.. 
  7. ^ Welcome to University Archives and Records Management. Kennesaw State University Archives. Retrieved on 2007-05-08.
  8. ^ Guidelines for College and University Archives. Society of American Archivists. Retrieved on 2007-05-08.
  9. ^ Business Archives Council. Business Archives Council. Retrieved on 2007-05-08.
  10. ^ Directory of Corporate Archives. Hunter Information Management. Retrieved on 2007-05-08.
  11. ^ Business Archives in North America - Invest in your future: Understand your past. Society of American Archivists. Retrieved on 2007-05-08.
  12. ^ Directions for Change. Libraries and Archives Canada. Retrieved on 2007-05-09.
  13. ^ The National Archives. United States National Archives and Records Administration. Retrieved on 2007-05-09.
  14. ^ U.S. - State Level Records Repositories: State Libraries, Archives, Genealogical & Historical Societies. Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet. Retrieved on 2007-05-09.
  15. ^ (French) Les archives en France. Quid - 2007. Retrieved on 2007-05-15.
  16. ^ Creigh, by Dorothy Weyer (1995). A Primer for Local Historical Societies: Revised and Expanded from the First Edition. AltaMira Press, 122. 
  17. ^ Whitehill, Walter Muir (1962). "Introduction", Independent Historical Societies: An Enquiry into Their Research and Publication Functions and Their Financial Future. Boston, Massachusetts: The Boston Athenaeum, 311. 
  18. ^ Walch, Victoria Irons (2006). "A*Census: A Closer Look". The American Archivist 69 (2): 327-348. 


[edit] See also

[edit] External links