Archdiocese of Gaeta

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The Italian Catholic archdiocese of Gaeta has its episcopal see in the city of Gaeta, in the Lazio region of central Italy.


[edit] History

It dates from 846, when Constantine, Bishop of Formiæ, fled there and established his residence. The see of Formia, abandoned since the end of the sixth century, was thereafter united to diocese of Minturno (Minturnæ). In or soon after 999 Bishop Bernard annexed the see of Traetto.

In 1818 Pius VII merged the diocese of Gaeta with the very ancient see of Fondi. Once a suffragan of the archdiocese of Capua, the diocese was subsequently exempted (i.e. directly subjected to the Pope).

On December 31, 1848, Pius IX raised it to archiepiscopal rank, but without suffragans.

Among its bishops of note were: Francesco Patrizio (1460), friend of Pius II, author of a work in nine books, De Regno et De Institutione Regis, dedicated to Alfonso, Duke of Calabria; and Tommaso de Vio, better known as the famous Thomas Cardinal Cajetan, a Dominican theologian and Papal diplomat.

The current archbishop is monsignor Pier Luigi Mazzoni.

[edit] Territory and parishes

The diocese, which includes the Pontine Islands, as well as a part of mainland Lazio, covers a surface of 603 km², with a population of 159,315 (as of 2004).

Presently it is divided into four districts called foranie which are centred on Gaeta itself, and the former sees of Fondi, Formia and Minturno. A list follows of the 57 parishes, five located in the Province of Frosinone and the rest in the Province of Latina.[1]

[edit] Lazio

[edit] Province of Frosinone

S. Maria del Piano
S. Michele Arcangelo
Santi Bartolomeo Apostolo ed Antonio di Padova (Selvacava)
Coreno Ausonio
S. Margherita V. M.
S. Maria Maggiore

[edit] Province of Latina

S. Michele Arcangelo
S. Antonio Da Padova
S. Giovanni Battista
S. Maria del Buon Rimedio (Suio Terme)
S. Michele Arcangelo (Suio Terme)
S. Francesco d’Assisi
S. Maria degli Angeli e di S. Magno
S. Maria in Piazza
S. Paolo Apostolo
S. Pietro Apostolo
Regalità di Maria SS. e di S. Pio X (Salto di Fondi)
Cuore Eucaristico di Gesù
Madonna del Carmine
Risurrezione di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo
S. Erasmo V. M.
S. Giuseppe Lavoratore
S. Teresa d’Avila
Santi Lorenzo e Giovanni Battista
Cuore Immacolato di Maria (Acquatraversa di Formia)
S. Caterina V. M. (Castellonorato)
S. Luca Evangelista (Maranola)
S. Andrea Apostolo (Trivio di Formia)
Sacro Cuore di Gesù (Vindicio di Formia)
Maria SS. Assunta in Cielo
S. Biagio V. M.
S. Carlo Borromeo
S. Giacomo Apostolo
S. Nilo Abate
S. Paolo Apostolo
S. Stefano Protomartire
Santi Cosma e Damiano
S. Maria Maggiore
S. Michele Arcangelo
S. Maria Maggiore
S. Pietro Apostolo
Maria SS. Immacolata (Marina di Minturno)
S. Albina V. M. (Marina di Minturno)
S. Biagio V. M. (Marina di Minturno)
S. Giuseppe (Pulcherini)
S. Maria Infante (Santa Maria Infante)
S. Nicandro M. (Tremensuoli)
S. Leonardo Abate (Tufo di Minturno)
Monte San Biagio
S. Giovanni Battista
S. Giuseppe Lavoratore (Vallemarino)
Santi Silverio e Domitilla
Maria SS. Assunta in Cielo (Le Forna)
Santi Cosma e Damiano
Santi Cosma e Damiano
S. Martino (Ventosa)
S. Maria Assunta in Cielo
Spigno Saturnia
S. Croce
S. Giovanni Battista
S. Candida V. M.

[edit] Sources and external links

[edit] References

  1. ^] (Retrieved:2008-03-11 00:16:59 +0000)