Aqua Detox

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Aqua Detox is a device promoted for use in detoxification, based on the research of Royal Rife and involves soaking an individual's feet in a saline bath through which an electrical current is passed. The device has been criticized for misleading consumers. The device, or something similar, is marketed under a wide variety of names.[1] due to the company responsible for developing the original device offers in-house web-design services for resellers.[2]

As of October 15th, 2006, the Aqua Detox brand officially came under a new umbrella company called The Agenta Group[3].

[edit] Manufacturer claims

According to its manufacturer, the Aqua Detox system produces positive and negative ions, that "resonate through the body and stimulates the cells within it", claiming that this 'rebalances' cellular energy, allowing efficient performance and excretion of toxins that have accumulated within the tissues[2] and that 20 - 35 minutes of usage every second or third day causes toxins from throughout the body to be excreted from the 2000 pores of the feet [4] The manufacturer currently lacks evidence to demonstrate any detoxifying effect, but claims it is conducting a clinical trial to establish proof.[5].

[edit] Criticisms

Although the manufacturer does not make direct claims for Aqua Detox in the treatment or cure of disease, the Aqua Detox International was the subject of a British Advertising Standards Authority adjudication for April 6, 2005, specifically challenging the use of user testimonials which implied efficacy in serious disease, and challenges to the general efficacy of the device; both complaints were upheld, with the advertiser not addressing the efficacy of the device but promising to remove the misleading testimonials from their advertisements.[6]

The water turns orange in an aqua detox session
The water turns orange in an aqua detox session

The marketer Miracle Beauty claims that the color of the bath indicates which areas have allegedly been cleansed of toxins: black for liver, orange for joints, green for gall bladder. [4] Aqua detox machines have iron electrodes that corrode to generate rust and tint the water brown when used to electrolyze saline in the footbath.[4] The different variations in color can be accounted by varying amount of salt added to the water and variations in the compositions of the electrodes.[4] An experiment with salt water and a car battery showed that the water will change color regardless, whether there are feet in the water or not, and that the composition the analyzed water was the same in both cases. This suggests that the change in color is nothing more than electrolysis, or rusting of the electrodes in the case of iron, and this is being used by the manufacturers to mislead the consumers.[4][7]

Aqua Detox has not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration, and marketing materials related to the product carry a disclaimer to the effect that "it is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease." [2]

[edit] References

  1. ^ Dodgy Detox (2004-May-28). Retrieved on 2007-08-08.
  2. ^ a b c Aqua Detox International website. Retrieved on 2007-08-08..
  3. ^ Aqua Detox International - Agenta retrieved 2007-May-02 (Primary Source).
  4. ^ a b c d e Stephen Barrett. - The Aqua Detox Scam. Retrieved on 2007-08-08.
  5. ^ Aqua Detox International - Research retrieved on 2007-May-05.
  6. ^ ASA Non-broadcast Adjudication: Aqua Detox International (CI) Ltd.
  7. ^ Goldacre B. Rusty results. Guardian Unlimited, Sept 2, 2004.