Aqeel ibn Abi Talib

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Aqeel ibn Abi Talib (Arabic: عقيل بن أبي طالب) was born in the year 590.

Aqeel was second of four sons of Abu Talib, who was the uncle and protector of Muhammad. Aqeel's nickname was Abu Yazid. He fought in the Battle of Mu'tah and became blind late in life, dying at the age of 96.

Aqeel had five sons, Muslim ibn Aqeel, Muhammad ibn Aqeel, Yazid ibn Aqeel, Issa ibn Aqeel, Al-Hassan ibn Aqeel], and a daughter, Ramlah bint Aqeel.

Aqeel was the man who found Umme Habiba to marry Imam Ali.

Aqeel is also the ancestor of :
The Banu Dawud or the Darod tribe of Somalia through his son, Muhammad ibn Aqeel.
The Bajaber clan from Hadhramaut,Yemen

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