Talk:April Fools Day 2005

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[edit] .Get Entry

The entry regarding '.Get' is potentially not April Fools related as the site has been around for quite sometime... Although there's only one entry in the mailing-list archives, it is dated in May of 2004, and the hostname has been registered since 2002... Just my thoughts.

--Kyrin\talk 17:49, 2005 Apr 1 (UTC)

BBC Two broadcast a Timewatch documentary called The Great Wave, about a tsunami which struck the Bristol Channel on January 20, 1607. Given the date I was suspicious of this one, although I have seen a couple of other references to the flood.... Lee M 04:13, 2 Apr 2005 (UTC)

Can Google's hoax really be considered a hoax/april fool's joke? They left it it wasn't really a prank it was just a new feature they added.

Edit: Nevermind, I wasn't reading ;)

[edit] Pope John Paul II

Why is his death listed under "Events mistaken as April Fool's Day hoaxes". Who would actually think him dying is an April fools joke. I find it hard to believe when his death was announed someone would actually think the Vatican would fake his death for an April fools joke.--Coasttocoast 02:49, 19 January 2007 (UTC)