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Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Marchantiophyta
Class: Haplomitriopsida
Order: Treubiales
Family: Treubiaceae
Genus: Apotreubia
Hatt. et Mizut., 1967

Apotreubia nana
Apotreubia pusilla

Apotreubia is a genus of liverworts in the family Treubiaceae.[1] There are two species: Apotreubia nana, which is found in subalpine New Guinea[2], and Apotreubia pusilla, which has a disjunct distribution between eastern Asia (Himalayas to Japan) and British Columbia.[3]

[edit] References

  1. ^ Crandall-Stotler, Barbara. & Stotler, Raymond E. (2000). "Morphology and classification of the Marchantiophyta". pages 21-70 in A. Jonathan Shaw & Bernard Goffinet (eds.), Bryophyte Biology. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press). ISBN 0-521-66097-1
  2. ^ Schuster, Rudolf M. (1983). "Phytogeogrphy of the Bryophyta". Pages 463-626 in R. M. Schuster (ed.), New Manual of Bryology (Japan: Hattori Botanical Laboratory). ISBN 4-938163-3045.
  3. ^ Schuster, Rudolf M. (1992). The Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of North America, Volume 5, 333. ISBN 0-914-86820-9. 
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