Apollonopolis Parva (Coptos)

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Apollonopolis Parva or Apollinopolis Parva (Greek: Ἀπόλλωνος πόλις μικρά, Ptol. iv. 5. § 70; Ἀπόλλωνος πόλις, Strabo xvii. p. 815) or Apollonos Vicus (It. Anton. p. 165), was an ancient town of the Thebaid, in the Coptite Nome, in latitude 26° North, situated between Thebes and Coptos. It stood on the eastern bank of the Nile, and carried on an active trade with Berenice and Myos Hormos, on the Red Sea. Apollonopolis Parva was ca. 35 km distant from Thebes, and is the modern Qus (Kuss). During the Roman Empire it was renamed Diocletianopolis; and it corresponds, probably, to the Maximianopolis of the later Empire.

This city is not to be confused with another city with the same name, known today as Qus.

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