Apollonius the Apologist

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Saint Apollonius the Apologist
Martyr and Apologist
Born unknown (2nd century)
Died April 21 c. 185[1], Rome
Feast April 18, July 23 (in the East)[1]
Attributes Martyr; Apologist; Senator
Saints Portal

Saint Apollonius the Apologist (died c. 185) was a second century Christian martyr and apologist (not to be confused with Apollinaris Claudius, another contemporary apologist.)


[edit] Life

Emperor Marcus Aurelius had lightened the persecution of Christians during his reign. He was succeeded in 180 by the Emperor Commodus, a notoriously vicious ruler, yet he relaxed the persecution of Christians further.

Saint Apollonius, a Roman senator, had converted to Christianity some time around the last years of Marcus Aurelius, and some time around 186, one of Apollonius' slaves named Severus formally accused his master of being Christian and denying the Imperial cult of Rome.

The Praetorian prefect, Sextus Tigidius Perennis, arrested him, also putting the slave to death as an informer. Perennis demanded that Apollonius denounce the faith, and when he refused, the case was remanded to the Roman senate. There a debate took place between Perennis and Apollonius that clearly outlined the beauty and value of Christianity. Depite his eloquent defense, Apollonius was condemned and executed.[2] Apollonius' legs were crushed and then he was beheaded.[1]

[edit] Roman Martyrology

The account of Apollonius' martyrdom is given in the Roman Martyrology as such:

At Rome, blessed Apollonius, a senator under Emperor Commodus and the prefect Perennius. He was denounced as a Christian by one of his slaves, and being commanded to give an account of his faith, he composed an able work which he read in the Senate. He was nevertheless beheaded for Christ by their sentence.[3]

[edit] The Apologia

Because of his influence in society, those judging him paid close attention to his defense of Christianity.[1] As such, Apollonius' Apologia is called one of the most priceless documents of the early Church.[2]

An authentic account of his examination by the magistrate was discovered in 1874 in an Armenian text and more recently in Greek. Saint Jerome, who had seen a copy of Apollonius's defense of the faith, admired its eloquence and profound demonstration of sacred and profane learning.[1]

St Apollonius' feast day in the Roman Catholic Church is April 18.

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ a b c d e Rabenstein, Katherine (April 1999). Apollonius the Apologist M (RM). Saints O' the Day for April 18. Retrieved on 2007-03-04.
  2. ^ a b Bunson, Margaret; Stephen Bunson (2003). Our Sunday Visitor's Encyclopedia of Saints. Our Sunday Visitor Publishing, 115. 
  3. ^ Confraternity of Ss. Peter & Paul. April 18. The Roman Martyrology. Retrieved on 2007-03-03.