Anwar al-Awlaki

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Anwar al-Awlaki
Born New Mexico
Residence United States
Occupation Imam
Religious beliefs Islam

Anwar al-Awlaki (also spelled Aulaqi) is a Muslim lecturer and teacher from New Mexico.


[edit] Biography

His parents are from Yemen, where he lived for eleven years and received the early part of his Islamic education.[1] Awlaki has served as an Imam in Colorado, California, and most recently in the Washington, D.C. area where he headed the Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Centre and was also the Muslim Chaplain at George Washington University[2]. He migrated to Yemen and was banned from re-entering the United States despite having American citizenship.[3] He holds a B.S. in Civil Engineering from Colorado State University, an M.A. in Education Leadership from San Diego State University and was working on a Doctorate degree in Human Resource Development at George Washington University.

On 31 August 2006, ostensibly due to a Yemeni Secret Police investigation over Yemeni Tribal issues, Awlaki was detained for questioning by the Yemeni authorities. According to reports, he was illegally detained at the behest of the USA and interrogated by the FBI.[1]and as made clear in the following interview: [ ]

On 12 December 2007, Awlaki was released by the Yemeni authorities and was reunited with his family. Upon his release he issued the following statement:

"Dear Brothers and Sisters, Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. Alhamdulillah I have been released on the 12th of December after spending almost a year and a half behind bars. The time I spend in detention was a great blessing from Allah. They were moments of contemplation and study which I was greatly in need of. Alhamdulillah, Allah has blessed me during that time of solitude with tranquility and peace to the extent that at most of the time I was preferring detention over freedom. Now that I am free I ask Allah to enable me to thank Him for his blessings. I am greatly moved to know that many of my brothers and sisters have been asking about my situation and praying for my release. I thank them all. May Allah reward all of you with Paradise."

Imam Anwar alAwlaki currently resides in Yemen, and runs a website and blog at

[edit] Works

Anwar al-Awlaki is reputed for holding many lectures many of which are available for download or available on CD.

  • The Hereafter — 16 CDs - Al Basheer Productions
  • Life of Muhammad:Makkan Period - 16 CDs - Al Basheer Productions
  • Life of Muhammad:Medinan Period- A Lecture in 2 Parts - 18 CDs - Al Basheer Productions
  • Lives of the Prophets (AS) — 16 CDs - Al Basheer Productions
  • Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (RA): His Life & Times - 11 CDs - Al Basheer Productions
  • Umar ibn al-Khattāb (RA):His Life & Times - 18 CDs - Al Basheer Productions
  • 25 Promises from Allah to the Believer - 2 CDs - Noor Productions
  • Companions of the Ditch & Lessons from the Life of Musa (AS) - 2 CDs - Noor Productions
  • Remembrance of Allah & the Greatest Ayah - 2 CDs - Noor Productions
  • Stories from Hadith — 4 CDs - Center for Islamic Information and Education (CIIE)
  • Hellfire & The Day of Judgment - 1 CD - Center for Islamic Information and Education (CIIE)
  • Quest for Truth: The Story of Salman Al-Farsi (RA)- 1 CD - Center for Islamic Information and Education (CIIE)
  • Trials & Lessons for Muslim Minorities - 1 CD - Center for Islamic Information and Education (CIIE)
  • Young Ayesha (RA) & Mothers of the Believers (RA) - 1 CD - Center for Islamic Information and Education (CIIE)
  • Understanding the Quran - 1 CD - Center for Islamic Information and Education (CIIE)
  • Lessons from the Companions (RA) Living as a Minority - 1 CD - Center for Islamic Information and Education (CIIE)
  • The Story of Ibn Al-Akwa: Mashari Al-Ashwaq - A Lecture in 15 Parts - Unpublished
  • Allah is Preparing us for Victory - A Lecture in 2 Parts - Unpublished
  • The Quran: The Book of Tolerance - A Lecture in 1 Part - Unpublished
  • Surat Taha - Short Talks after Fajr 2 Parts - Unpublished
  • Giving & Investing in the Hereafter - A Lecture in 1 Part - Unpublished
  • Goodly Word, Goodly Tree - A Lecture in 1 Part - Unpublished
  • Naseeha - A Lecture in 1 Part - Unpublished
  • Hijra - A Lecture in 1 Part - Unpublished
  • Revivers of the Message - A Lecture in 1 Part - Unpublished
  • The Truth of Suleiman (AS) & Magic / Magic, Jinn & Freemasons - A Lecture in 1 Part - Unpublished
  • Tolerance: A Hallmark of Muslim Character - A Lecture in 1 Part - Unpublished
  • Trust in Allah but Tie Your Camel - A Lecture in 1 Part - Unpublished
  • Brutality Towards Muslims - Khutbah - Unpublished
  • The War on Islam - Khutbah - Unpublished
  • Story of the Bull - Khutbah - Unpublished
  • The Constants of Jihad - A Lecture in 6 Parts - Unpublished

Most of Unpublished Imam Awlaki's Lectures mentioned above can be downloaded for free of charge and click Audio.

You can contact Imam Anwar al Awlaki via his website and blog at

[edit] References

[edit] External links