Anuario Filosófico

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Anuario Filosófico, first published in 1968, is one of the most influential philosophical journals in the Spanish-speaking world. Since its beginning, it has published the work of a significant number of both Spanish and foreign philosophers, including Jan A. Aertsen, Elizabeth Anscombe, Werner Beierwaltes, Michael Dummett, Peter Geach, Susan Haack, Friedrich Kaulbach, Ralph McInerny, Antonio Millán-Puelles, Giovanni Reale and Robert Spaemann.

Anuario Filosófico publishes three times a year, amounting to 600-800 pages, including articles, notes and reviews of recent books. The journal's print-run is nearly 1,000 copies, which are distributed to universities, libraries, research institutions and individual subscribers throughout the world. It has exchanges with some 90 journals, is indexed in a dozen databases and its available on-line.

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