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The reason I update the schizophrenia pages is because I've visceral experience of it, rather-than academic knowledge about it.
Having mixed the concrete experience with what I've found in and and and
not having the established-knowledge baggage of doctors who haven't any direct-subjectivity to it. . .
means I can tell you from direct experience what works, and how it does.
Later I'll be putting it all together, because the things that help schizophrenics ( it's a brain-condition, BTW, not a "mental illness" which could be made-right, if only one's mind were good-enough ( note the social-assumption of blame, inherent in that, eh? ) also clarify and assist others' minds, too.
Simple things like keeping one's skin clean enough so that it breathes better, getting enough sunshine, reducing red-meat, eradicating caffeine & nicotene, opposing one's amplified distortion-of-mind ( civilized being a distortion of mind, in a non-healthy way ) by
learning right-brain-mode dominance ( The New Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, by Betty Edwards Ph.D )
doing right-brain-dominant yoga
doing right-brain-dominant drumming-syncopation training ( a bloody "whole-skill", damn difficult, but worth it for the results )
I don't understand why drugging brain-damaged ones to death is preferable to creating autonomy for 'em, but perhaps it is more convenient a short-term solution that just gets extended perpetually into the longest-term?