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Hello! If you are at this page, then you have probably clicked a link on a page relating to Maplestory. If so, then I would like to take these few short seconds to say the folowing line:
Maplestory is a really good game with really good, colorful, Japanese-like anime graphics.
That should clear it up a bit. After all, it's true.
[edit] What I Have Done
5-27-07: Modified List of MMORPGs to show that Maplestory had a lot of good graphics. (Rejected 5-28-07)
5-28-07: Began work on new page Maplestory Controversy to show how good it is. (Rejected 6-3-07)
[edit] Awards and Userboxes
This user HATES Maplestory. |
' |
The Apprentice Award in Minor Discovering Locations of Pages |
The user Anti-Maplestory has found the user Generallroh's secret page! |